Cobranding White Papers

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Part 4: Establish Organizational Alignment
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: When sales and marketing talk about lead generation, tensions often arise. While disagreements are normal, there are important steps you can take to prevent them from undermining what you’ll need to continuously improve. Find out what those steps are – and how to successfully take them – in this expert e-book.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 12 Dec 2019


Why More High-Performance Companies Are Depending on Intent Data
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: What is B2B intent data and how can it help your organization? Inside, get a crash course on B2B intent data. Learn how B2B intent data can help your organization glean actionable insights, and uncover top intent use cases today.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 27 Sep 2019


Clinical Documentation: Driving Performance in the New World of Healthcare
sponsored by Nuance
WHITE PAPER: This resource asks some important questions regarding healthcare operations, and examines key tactics that can help you take the pain out of the documentation process and find healthcare success.
Posted: 28 Aug 2013 | Published: 28 Aug 2013


Why You Should Automate Processing of Vendor Invoices
sponsored by Esker Inc.
WHITE PAPER: In this paper, discover the results that Esker research found indicating that accounts payable automation can typically save organizations 40 to 60 percent of operational and administrative AP costs. Also explore the abundant benefits that automated processing of vendor invoices can help business like yours achieve.
Posted: 10 Jul 2013 | Published: 10 Jul 2013

Esker Inc.

5 Tips For Setting Measurable Social Media Goals
sponsored by MarketWired
WHITE PAPER: While social media offers your business a variety of opportunities to grow its customer base, increase brand awareness, and drive revenue, those benefits are unattainable without a solid strategy in place. To realize your social media goals, you need to first determine metrics and measurements of your strategy's success.
Posted: 20 Feb 2014 | Published: 20 Feb 2014


Create a Referral Program to Grow Your IT Business
sponsored by ConnectWise
WHITE PAPER: The primary mode of growth for most technology provider businesses is by good, old word of mouth.  Yet, many businesses have not established an official referral program to capture as many referrals as possible.  Check out this guide to find the proven best strategies for creating the perfect referral program for your business.
Posted: 16 Jul 2013 | Published: 16 Jul 2013


Driving Revenue Through CRM Integration
sponsored by Marketo
WHITE PAPER: In this helpful resource, discover four keys to establishing successful integration of your CRM system and marketing automation. Explore how your sales, marketing, customer service, and accounting teams can work together to close the loop of great customer experience.
Posted: 27 Jun 2013 | Published: 27 Jun 2013


Connected Customer Centricity - MS perspective on the Retail Industry
sponsored by Microsoft India
WHITE PAPER: This resource reveals how your organization can develop successful customer-centric strategies and deliver superior customer value.
Posted: 19 Dec 2013 | Published: 31 Jan 2012

Microsoft India

Best Practices For Setting Up a Lead Nurturing Program
sponsored by Act-On Software
WHITE PAPER: In this report, Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing and his fellow thought leaders demystify lead nurturing, offering best practices that you can follow when developing your own winning program.
Posted: 11 Apr 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2012

Act-On Software

Move from Reactive to Proactive Business Process Management
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, learn about Enterprise Process Automation (EPA), which is designed to unlock your organization's potential for speed, efficiency, accuracy, and compliance by creating alignment across the business and technical silos within a company.
Posted: 18 Mar 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2013

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise