CKM White Papers

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An Introduction to ABM Scoring
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: Download this white paper to examine common models and insight on what qualification criteria to focus on in determining your own ideal approach to ABM scoring.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 19 Jul 2019


Social Media Education: The New Edge for Success
sponsored by Hootsuite
WHITE PAPER: Did you know that according to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, business can unlock up to $1.3 trillion in business value by leveraging social technologies?  However, if your company isn't armed with the right knowledge, tools, and skill set, those financial (and other CRM) benefits will be out of reach.
Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | Published: 15 Apr 2014


Choosing the Right Master Data Management Solution for Your Organization
sponsored by Informatica
WHITE PAPER: Learn about the 10 essential MDM requirements, which will allow you to address both your current and future business needs, and quickly reap the returns from your MDM initiative.
Posted: 26 Mar 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2013


Business-strength Geocoding: Ten requirements for more cost-efficient and effective business decisions
sponsored by Pitney Bowes Business Insight
WHITE PAPER: Geocoding determines location by linking longitude and latitude coordinates with street address data. By identifying your best customers’ location and defining how to reach them most effectively you possess the ultimate decision making tool. Utilize the power of location intelligence to know the location of your customers, partners and competitors.
Posted: 22 Sep 2010 | Published: 22 Sep 2010

Pitney Bowes Business Insight

WebSmart Services
sponsored by Melissa
WHITE PAPER: Melissa Data’s WebSmart Services can handle your data quality needs. Ensure that your contact data, including addresses, names, phone numbers, and emails are valid, and use existing data to append additional information to enhance initiatives. The WebSmart services can be integrated into the business chain to ensure the integrity of your database.
Posted: 20 Apr 2010 | Published: 20 Apr 2010


Jumpstart your journey to personalized digital marketing
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Consult the following white paper to uncover what you can do to empower your business to deliver personalized marketing, increase the pull of campaigns, as well as increase customer retention and satisfaction—all through the use of real-time marketing.
Posted: 03 Mar 2014 | Published: 03 Mar 2014


Delivering exceptional web experiences - IBM Web Content Manager
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Learn how your organization can more easily create content, target individuals with relevant content and optimize content devliery on your website and more!
Posted: 04 Oct 2011 | Published: 04 Oct 2011


Big Data and Personal Data Lead to the Internet's Most Surprising Consumer Products
sponsored by SAP
WHITE PAPER: In this report from the MIT Technology Review, discover 10 must-read articles about the relationship between personal data and big data. Find out how companies are leveraging customer information and the pros and cons of releasing personal data via the Web or otherwise.
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 | Published: 27 Jan 2014


10 tips to integrate mobile and social marketing
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, get 10 tips to help break through the silos and integrate social and mobile marketing with traditional channels.
Posted: 18 Feb 2014 | Published: 30 Nov 2013


Turning Customer Data into Analytical Marketing Fuel: How to Use Analytically Driven Customer Insight for Extraordinary Competitive Advantage
sponsored by SAS
WHITE PAPER: Businesses that fail to strategically leverage analytically driven customer insight will gradually become obsolete over time. This paper takes a closer look at why – and explains what you can do to evolve your marketing organization’s ability to turn data into customer insight, and insight into competitive advantage.
Posted: 02 Nov 2010 | Published: 02 Nov 2010