Sales Professionals Reports

Media Consumption Study 2017 UKI
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: The results of TechTarget and Computer Weekly's annual reader survey, which asks for feedback on readers' media consumption when considering an IT purchase, reveals the complexity of IT purchase decisions.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 27 Apr 2017


Media Consumption Study 2017 UKI Infographic
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: The results of TechTarget and Computer Weekly's annual reader survey, which asks for feedback on readers' media consumption when considering an IT purchase, reveals the complexity of IT purchase decisions.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 28 Apr 2017


Data-Driven Sales: An Economist Intelligence Unit Report
sponsored by Oracle Corporation UK Ltd
WHITE PAPER: View this comprehensive survey from the Economist Intelligence unit to learn how sales executives optimize their sales structures, territories and incentive plans. Hear from 229 executives from around the globe and learn how successful teams leverage data to coordinate sales territories and incentives to get the right people in the right places.
Posted: 14 Nov 2013 | Published: 31 Dec 2012

Oracle Corporation UK Ltd

How to Move from Opt-Out to Community Relevance: 31 Keys to Success in the SAP Ecosystem
sponsored by JonERP
WHITE PAPER: In this resource, find 31 tips for inbound content marketing to the SAP community. This fresh approach to marketing engages prospects on social channels while also attracting search traffic via compelling content. Read more inside to learn how to target the SAP ecosystem and become a relevant vendor in the market.
Posted: 18 May 2012 | Published: 18 May 2012


Why a Call Centric CRM?
sponsored by CallPro CRM
WHITE PAPER: Is your current customer relationship management (CRM) software negatively impacting your selling potential? Many of the CRM software options today have lost focus on their primary users – sales professionals – and are actually decreasing sales activity. Read on to learn how a call-centric CRM strategy can alleviate this challenge.  
Posted: 23 Aug 2012 | Published: 01 Aug 2012

CallPro CRM

5 Tips to Sell Faster, Easier
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Access this white paper to find out how you can leverage technology and consumer trends to build a successful modern sales force.
Posted: 12 Dec 2014 | Published: 12 Dec 2014

Oracle Corporation

MicroStrategy Customer Success Story: Ceva Santé Animale
sponsored by MicroStrategy
CASE STUDY: The CIO of Ceva Santé Animale, a global veterinary health company, wanted to "have everything on all devices without VPN (PC, Mac, iPad, Android and Blackberry." View this brief case study to learn how CSA built a sales enablement application on a mobile platform that aggregates CRM, ERP and sales data.
Posted: 22 Jan 2014 | Published: 31 Aug 2013


Metrics-Based Sales Productivity – Delivering Dividends for Forward Thinking Sales Organizations
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: New Sales Performance Management solutions enable sales leaders to align technology to business need and strategy. Read this paper for a series of discussions related to the metrics-based sales productivity solutions that forward thinking sales organizations are employing to harness the power of the pipeline and take advantage of sales analytics.
Posted: 16 Mar 2010 | Published: 05 Mar 2010


Enterprise Mobile Apps for Marketing and Sales
sponsored by Apperian, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Access this exclusive resource to learn how you can effectively leverage the BYOD and consumerization of IT trend in order to better support sales and service teams and boost sales. Inside you'll find info about mobile customer relations management, mobile apps for marketing, a guide to selecting apps, and more.
Posted: 31 May 2013 | Published: 31 May 2013

Apperian, Inc.

Best Practices For Setting Up a Lead Nurturing Program
sponsored by Act-On Software
WHITE PAPER: In this report, Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing and his fellow thought leaders demystify lead nurturing, offering best practices that you can follow when developing your own winning program.
Posted: 11 Apr 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2012

Act-On Software