Customer Knowledge Management Software Reports

Comparing CRM to CX
sponsored by TechTarget
INFOGRAPHIC: CXM and CRM systems help organizations boost customer satisfaction, but CXM focuses on how customers perceive a brand, while CRM helps employees understand their customers. In this article, we compare these platforms to help you decide which one is best for your business.
Posted: 19 Jun 2023 | Published: 19 Jun 2023


MicroScope – December 2023: What does the future hold for Industry 5.0?
sponsored by MicroScope
EZINE: In this issue, we explore the future of Industry 5.0 to discover whether it's truly a tech revolution or just the next step in what has been promised since Industry 4.0. Also learn more about the risks and impacts of generative AI on data compliance and compliance, as well as seven steps you should take to engage customers while providing services
Posted: 01 Dec 2023 | Published: 01 Dec 2023


Simple is STILL Better: Embrace Speed & Simplicity for a Competitive Edge
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Access this whitepaper for an in-depth look into best practices for handling customer data to pull valuable insights for your business. Topics include: Achieving simplicity and performance, analyzing data at speed, and more.
Posted: 27 Oct 2015 | Published: 27 Oct 2015


Analytics: The real-world use of big data - How innovative enterprises in the midmarket extract value from uncertain data
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: While big data means many things to many people, there's no arguing that today it's a business imperative. Recent research findings show that midsize organizations are just as likely to be using big data technologies to tap into data sources and get closer to their customers.
Posted: 15 Jul 2013 | Published: 15 Jul 2013


Context-Aware Tech Senses, Responds to Customer Needs
sponsored by TechTarget Content Management
EBOOK: This expert handbook explores how to leverage context-aware technologies to create appropriately personalized customer experiences. Discover how to deliver on the promise of personalized content delivery with tools and strategies for web content management, marketing automation, machine learning, and more.
Posted: 19 Apr 2016 | Published: 15 Apr 2016

TechTarget Content Management

Digital CRM and the Customer Experience
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: This expert  e-guide describes why digital technologies are proving to be the "next big thing" in the world of CRM, and explores the strategies that small businesses are using to stay competitive in e-commerce.
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 | Published: 24 Mar 2014


Key Pros and Cons of Salesforce Sales Cloud
sponsored by Salesforce
EGUIDE: In this brief expert guide, explore the pros and cons of Salesforce Sales Cloud. Learn why some users praise Sales Cloud's usability and accuracy, while others mourn its mobile CRM capabilities.
Posted: 05 Oct 2016 | Published: 26 Sep 2016


Analysts Tackle Digital Transformation, CX Struggles
sponsored by Dell EMC and Intel®
EGUIDE: Learn about key issues impeding multinational organizations' efforts to achieve successful digital transformation strategies. Discover what The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and analysts at Forrester have to say about overcoming barriers.
Posted: 09 Mar 2017 | Published: 06 Mar 2017

Dell EMC and Intel®

Case Study: London Life Insurance
sponsored by Pitney Bowes Business Insight
CASE STUDY: London Life Insurance needed to move quickly after it acquired Prudential Insurance’s entire Canadian business operations. London Life wanted to welcome its new client base and maintain its reputation for providing superb customer service. Read on to learn how a new document composition solution allowed for keeping pace with its expanding business.
Posted: 01 Jul 2010 | Published: 02 Jul 2010

Pitney Bowes Business Insight

Driving multichannel engagement with the voice of the customer
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
EGUIDE: In this e-guide you will learn how the right infrastructure can allow your marketers to harness your existing data to create seamless, integrated experiences for your customers on any channel.
Posted: 23 Feb 2016 | Published: 16 Feb 2016

Oracle Corporation