Ad Effectiveness Reports

Total cost of ownership: How much are you really spending to host your ad server?
sponsored by OpenX
WHITE PAPER: OpenX has calculated all the 'hidden' costs of hosting your own ad server. Read this white paper and understand the full range of costs such as technical infrastructure, soft-costs such as staff time, and risks associated with self-hosting.
Posted: 23 Feb 2011 | Published: 23 Feb 2011


Who You Gonna Call?
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: Download this eBook to explore real-world examples of how Marketing, Sales and Customer Success leaders are using intent monitoring to align their teams and maximize opportunity capture across the entire revenue lifecycle.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 15 May 2020


Using Intent Data for Effective Persona Development in ABM
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: In this e-book, Using Intent Data for Effective Persona Development in ABM, we’ll show you how to keep pace with what’s going on in your target accounts. Download today to learn how to leverage intent data for effective persona development and shape your ABM strategy.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Nov 2020


2021 APAC Media Consumption: Digital research preferences
sponsored by TechTarget
INFOGRAPHIC: In this infographic, we show the results of our 2021 Media Consumption Survey. Find out why localization of content is important to users and what type of content works best in each buying stage.
Posted: 14 Dec 2021 | Published: 14 Dec 2021


Moving From Leads to Buying Groups in One Easy Step
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: In B2B organizations, shifting the focus from individual leads in the demand process to buying groups and demand units represents a major change. Download this white paper to learn how to leverage the teleservices team as the first step in an incremental evolution from individual leads to buying groups.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 06 May 2020


Three Ways Personas Can Improve ABM Performance
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: Download this eBook to understand how you can engage a broader cross-section of roles to open up new opportunities, make progress by uncovering new personas, grow account penetration and optimize your investments throughout the customer lifecycle.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Sep 2020


Is There a Silver Bullet for B2B Marketing Data?; Real advantages companies are gaining right now
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: How does your organization plan on keeping up with changing buyer behaviors? In this e-book, learn how a customer-driven lifecycle can help bridge the gap between past and present buyer behaviors, and explore how TechTarget can help you keep up with these revolutionary changes.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 10 Apr 2019


Because Your MQLs Just Won’t Cut It
sponsored by TechTarget
WEBCAST: Watch this webinar to see how to Cornerstone transformed marketing and sales efforts to deliver full-funnel ABM at scale using the latest in behavioral data sources: real purchase intent.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Premiered: Aug 10, 2020


Part 4: Establish Organizational Alignment
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: When sales and marketing talk about lead generation, tensions often arise. While disagreements are normal, there are important steps you can take to prevent them from undermining what you’ll need to continuously improve. Find out what those steps are – and how to successfully take them – in this expert e-book.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 12 Dec 2019


IoT Revamps Field Services & Customer Engagement
sponsored by Microsoft
EGUIDE: Including insights from Andrew Leigh (VP of Alliances at Jitterbit) and Scott Amyx (CEO of Amyx+), this expert guide explores how field services can be supercharged with an integrated IoT strategy, and how the IoT enhances customer engagement for brands and marketers.
Posted: 16 Oct 2017 | Published: 16 Oct 2017
