In the age of social media, web analytics can help you harness data from a variety of channels to construct and implement an effective, integrated marketing strategy. Check out this helpful white paper to learn how you can advance your digital marketing strategy, grow brand loyalty and build revenue through the use of analytics.
This tour provides an overview of MicroStrategy platform's uniquely powerful enterprise BI capabilities and illustrates the 12 key differentiators between MicroStrategy and Hyperion.
The following white paper explores the current content delivery challenges facing businesses today, but with a focus on delivering video to mobile devices. Also learn about a technology consideration that can provide your users with a superior digital experience without putting more pressure on available resources.
In this E-Book, hear from analysts and experts about recent trends in customer data and learn how winning organizations are truly taking action on analytics. Learn about the challenges that many organizations face when establishing and maintaining customer data management and retention programs and how to meet those challenges head on.
Access the following white paper to uncover the strategies and tools that the top performing organizations are using to effectively reach their consumer audience. Discover how to craft a powerful digital presence, integrate key tools, and more.
Consult this white paper to discover 5 important questions to consider when choosing a Web data extraction solution. Also discover various vendors how they compare to each other.
Click on the link below to access the following white paper to discover a solution to the antiquated methods of Web data management. Learn how Web data automation can effectively mitigate errors, cut costs, and give your company a sharper competitive edge.
This expert guide focuses on how to get started with a successful web content analytics strategy, and explores how a major East Coast city's police department took advantage of effective content and text analytics to fight crime. Learn more about tagging content for measurement, tools for content analysis, and more.
Access the following white paper to uncover a CMS solution that offers 10 of the best aspects to look for in an all-inclusive CMS platform and what you stand to gain through deployment.