UX Reports

Introducing Big Data Repository/Reporting to Support Web Analytics and User-Centric APM
sponsored by Dell Software
WHITE PAPER: Learn the capabilities of Dellâ„¢ Foglightâ„¢ Application Performance Monitoring (APM) 5.9, and how the deep visibility into transaction flows and User Experience capitalize on innovative Big Data Technology.
Posted: 01 May 2014 | Published: 20 Jun 2013

Dell Software

The Ten Must Haves for Secure Mobile Device Management
sponsored by Zenprise
WHITE PAPER: Businesses are changing their traditions as employees continue to adopt mobile phone practices. Enterprise mobility may be efficient, but it can also put important company data at risk. Learn more about how you can have secure mobile device management with this valuable resource.
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 | Published: 01 Aug 2012


10 Essentials for Secure EMM
sponsored by Citrix
WHITE PAPER: This resource offers 10 key guidelines to securing mobile strategies so that organizations are confident in their defenses against theft and loss while users are satisfied with performance.
Posted: 09 May 2014 | Published: 01 Jun 2014


Social Login 101
sponsored by Gigya
WHITE PAPER: View this white paper to learn why social login -- with permission-based access to first-party identity data -- is the better option for getting the kind of information that creates relevant cross-channel experiences. Read now to explore the basics of social login, best practices, and benefits for consumers and businesses.
Posted: 27 Jun 2014 | Published: 27 Jun 2014


How to Improve Migrations with User and Desktop Virtualization
sponsored by AppSense
VIDEO: Watch this quick video to learn how user and desktop virtualization can not only help make Windows 7 migration simpler, but can make management easier for your IT department while creating a much better user experience.
Posted: 27 Jul 2013 | Premiered: 27 Jul 2013


How the Internet of Things Is Blurring the Line between Consumer and Industrial Technology
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: According to Harbor Research, there will be some 36 billion connected devices by 2020. But how and where will these devices come online? Explore how the Internet of Things will blur the line between consumer and industrial technology with upcoming trends like virtual reality, wearables, and more.
Posted: 10 May 2016 | Published: 06 May 2016


MOBILE OPTIMIZATION: How Testing on Smartphones and Tablets Lifts Conversion
sponsored by WebTrends
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, discover a new set of best practices for optimizing and monetizing mobile development, focusing on CRM, layout, and usability. Read on for more information and best practices on testing and optimization, segmentation and targeting, case studies of successful mobile migrations, and more.
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 | Published: 16 Apr 2013


Exploring Business and IT Friction: Myths and Realities
sponsored by BMC Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper explores the sources of friction between business users and IT and offers up recommendations on how to adjust your strategy to minimize these problems.
Posted: 27 Feb 2014 | Published: 17 Apr 2013

BMC Software, Inc.

Tablets Welcomed. How to Get Any Device, on Any Network Reliably and Securely
sponsored by Cisco
WHITE PAPER: Discover how you can embrace the tablet invasion into your workplace with an architectural network approach that will enhance user experience, mitigate security issues, and enforce effective management.
Posted: 24 Jul 2012 | Published: 30 Jun 2011


Providing Mobile Data Access
sponsored by TechTarget Mobile Computing
EBOOK: Data is king for today's workers, but getting mobile data access isn't always as easy as it should be. Shops can turn to cloud services, MCM or in-app storage to get the job done.
Posted: 04 Mar 2016 | Published: 04 Mar 2016

TechTarget Mobile Computing