Search Results for: customer experience

Customer experience maps vs. customer journey maps
Customer experience management is a set of processes a company uses to track interactions between a customer and the organization across every touchpoint. In this infographic, learn about the main differences between customer experience maps and customer journey maps, and why they are key factors in the operation of CXM software.


Customer Experience Exchange E-Zine: Bridging the Customer Experience Chasm
With rapidly changing demands, customer experience management (CEM) can be a tricky craft within your organization's processes. Customer Experience Exchange is a brand new bi-monthly e-zine focused on CEM tips, best practices and techniques. Check out the first ever issue now, exclusively here.


Building a Strong Customer Experience
Read this e-guide from to learn how American Express and Yahoo tackle customer service with their own twists, how to communicate through multiple channels and ways to craft a single customer view through CEM technology.

Infor CRM

Customer experience management enhances branding and success
Positive customer experiences play a critical role in the success of your business, and investing in a CX management platform can keep these experiences feeling top tier—read this buyer's handbook for 7 features of CX management tools that you should consider before making the final decision.

TechTarget Customer Experience

Improve Customer Experience through Personalization
In this white paper, discover the key to improving the customer experience, how it can be made easy, and where to start.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Customer service technologies emerge bloodied but unbowed from Covid-19 pandemic
The pandemic caused many businesses to reassess their approach to customer experience. Customers were changing their behaviour, their channels, their brands and suppliers and organisations had to adapt. Download this exclusive e-guide and read more about the transformative impact of the pandemic on customer service and experience.


Improving the Customer Experience
This expert E-Guide explores effective strategies for helping improve the customer experience through knowledge management tools and various social CRM channels. Read this E-Guide to learn how to integrate and strategize these tools for an improved customer experience.

Consona Corporation

Governing Customer Experience Across Channels
Read this expert e-book to uncover why customer experience management (CEM) technology is the key to improving customer satisfaction and learn how to provide a consistent customer experience across all communication channels through a comprehensive CEM strategy.


CIO Handbook: Personalizing the Customer Experience
CIOs must marry online and physical offerings to personalize business interactions for each and every customer in today's collaborative world. Find out how leading businesses are paving the way with top-notch customer experience strategies.

TechTarget CIO

Digital CRM and the Customer Experience
This expert  e-guide describes why digital technologies are proving to be the "next big thing" in the world of CRM, and explores the strategies that small businesses are using to stay competitive in e-commerce.