Free Space Optics Reports

CW Benelux - May-July 2019: A new vision for hackers
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: With canal bridges, healthcare products, bicycles, ship components, buildings and even prosthetic body parts already in the scope of 3D printing, it's facinating to imagine how far the technology can go. Printing spaceships is no longer a fantasy. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 May 2019


CIO Trends #5
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EGUIDE: Thie e-guide offers a collection of some of our most popular articles on issues faced by IT decision makers, such as how to get cloud implementations right and how and why men in the technology industry have helped women progress.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 29 Jun 2017


CW Middle East ezine July 2018
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: What more does a region need to be recognised as a technology leader than its very own valley, of the silicon variety? Where once only oil flowed down Saudi Arabia's economic valleys, tech has now taken a grip. Read in this issue about the country's ambitions in the tech sector.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 12 Jul 2018


CW Europe - September-November 2022: Why Russia could become the world's biggest market for illegal IT
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: Faced with international sanctions and the departure of many global IT suppliers from Russia, companies there are seeking alternative, and sometimes illegal, routes to access IT products. Also read how new requirements are driving scientists and engineers in Europe back to the lab to start developing 6G technology.
Posted: 01 Sep 2022 | Published: 09 Sep 2022


CW Middle East Jan to Mar 2018
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: The Middle East is investing heavily in IT to make life better for its population. Smart city developments are an example. But read in this issue how in the Middle East, where there is a growing population and a rise in lifestyle-related disease, IT is being used to support the healthcare system.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Jan 2018


CW Middle East - July-September 2022: UAE citizens embrace new digital technologies
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: A survey shows that people in the United Arab Emirates believe next-generation technologies such as 3D printing and artificial intelligence will become widespread in the country. Also read how the UAE has improved its security posture amid mounting cyber threats.
Posted: 22 Jun 2022 | Published: 07 Jul 2022


CW Europe - September-November 2021: Dutch researchers build security software to mimic human immune system
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this issue of CW Europe, find out how researchers in the Netherlands are attempting to help IT systems fight certain cyber attacks in a similar way to the human immune system works. Also find out about the so-called "Klarna academy" in Stockholm, which has created the next set of Nordic fintech entrepreneurs.
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 | Published: 09 Sep 2021


2020 Media Consumption Series - Why
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: In this infographic based on the results of our 2020 Media Consumption Survey, find out why sales reps with data-driven intent get the best response and what subject line gets the open?
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 19 Oct 2020


CW Benelux February 2018
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this issue, read about how and why one public sector IT professional in the Netherlands, Victor Gevers, took a whole year out to hack ethically and, in the process, unearthed about 1,000 vulnerabilities.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 01 Feb 2018


Focus: Telecoms of the future
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: The telecoms sector in 2017 finds itself increasingly challenged as operators and end-users respond to multiple challenges, such as the emergence of software-based networks, the steady erosion of voice revenues, and the growth of 'free' communications services.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Aug 2017
