Plenty of companies want to get in on the money-making potential of what has been dubbed the metaverse. Here are enterprise-focused and consumer-focused examples that business and IT leaders may want to explore.
Explore the growing acceptance of virtual agents and find out how Vivino, the world's most downloaded wine app, configured their contact center and improved customer experiences for millions of global smartphone users speaking different languages.
Read this e-book to learn how to start a virtualization project, determine if your production database is ready to run in a virtualized environment, and decode the often complex licensing and support policies around virtualization technologies.
According to AMR Research, more and more customers are saving on SAP operational costs this year with SAP infrastructure projects and virtualizing SAP applications. Read this e-guide and learn to identify areas of potential SAP savings as well as the best way to virtualize your SAP environments.
This paper provides the essential tips necessary to successfully deploy Oracle on VMware virtual infrastructure to enable database administrators (DBAs) to meet their performance and availability goals.
Polycom continues bringing leading-edge, standards-based technologies to visual communication. This is an advantage that resonates across all applications and industries. View this webcast to learn how Less Delivers Much More!
In this expert guide, Tom Nolle, President of CIMI Corporation will uncover two network market truths, and how they impact network operators' infrastructure and profits.
This e-book will show you how to implement virtual collaboration tools throughout the life cycle of a project to leverage the benefits of collaboration and partnership.
Check out this IBM resource center to identify collaboration software solutions specifically geared towards small and medium-sized businesses.