eCatalogs White Papers

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Records Management’s Breaking Point: Managing Electronic Records in High Volume Environments
sponsored by ASG Software Solutions
WHITE PAPER: This white paper outlines some of the issues that make electronic records management so challenging, highlights why organizations need to tame the high-volume transactional records beast, and lastly, describes what to look for in a transactional records management solution.
Posted: 20 Dec 2010 | Published: 20 Dec 2010

ASG Software Solutions

Creating an Online Parts Catalog to Increase Part Sales and Improve Aftermarket Customer Satisfaction
sponsored by Enigma, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This white paper documents the experiences of three companies that have implemented Enigma's electronic parts catalogs.
Posted: 11 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2008

Enigma, Inc.

Eleven habits for highly successful BPM programs
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Using the framework of Stephen R. Covey’s best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this resource describes 11 habits IT organizations must develop to foster business process management (BPM) success, including building a complete BPM while also forcing collaboration across the enterprise.
Posted: 06 Mar 2012 | Published: 01 Jun 2010


Move from Reactive to Proactive Business Process Management
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, learn about Enterprise Process Automation (EPA), which is designed to unlock your organization's potential for speed, efficiency, accuracy, and compliance by creating alignment across the business and technical silos within a company.
Posted: 18 Mar 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2013

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Achieving Value in Healthcare Through Efficiency and Effectiveness
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: this white paper demonstrates how, by reforming health care delivery, implementing appropriate technology, and reshaping the medical establishment which supports efficiency and effectiveness, America can provide the best value in health care services for its citizens.
Posted: 20 Jun 2012 | Published: 20 Jun 2012

DellEMC and Intel®

Personalized Marketing and Web Analytics
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, uncover the gold mine that lies within behavioral data, identify the specific nuggets to mine, and learn how to leverage behavior data to increase marketing returns at every stage of the customer life cycle, both online and offline.
Posted: 01 Mar 2014 | Published: 28 Feb 2013


Risk-Based Test Automation from a Business Process Perspective: Automating the Testing of Critical Business Processes Enables you to Manage Change More Effectively
sponsored by Worksoft
WHITE PAPER: Being able to adapt your business processes to changing environments effectively is crucial to the overall success of your business. Read this white paper to learn how SAP users can implement the best risk-based testing strategies and the right automated testing tool to accommodate change.
Posted: 02 Apr 2012 | Published: 02 Apr 2012


Lights Out Testing for End-to-End Business Process Validation
sponsored by Worksoft
WHITE PAPER: Read this white paper to learn why automation is the best way to make your testing processes more efficient while preventing critical business process disruption.
Posted: 11 Apr 2012 | Published: 11 Apr 2012


BPM Patterns & Practices in Industry
sponsored by Oracle India Pvt. Ltd
WHITE PAPER: This paper reviews common BPM adoption patterns and best-practices across different industries to illustrate the value of BPM.
Posted: 31 May 2013 | Published: 25 Jun 2012

Oracle India Pvt. Ltd

Data Monetization Strategies: Make and Save Money With Data and Analytics
sponsored by Information Builders
WHITE PAPER: Are you sitting on your data with no plan? Do you know how to capitalize on information you already have? This whitepaper dives into the world of profiting from data. Access now to discover 4 essential steps to getting started, as well as challenges to overcome and a discussion on the importance of data integrity.
Posted: 26 Oct 2015 | Published: 26 Oct 2015

Information Builders