Telephone Number Portability White Papers

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Implementing Best Practices: The Dell Management Console and ITIL
sponsored by Dell and Symantec
WHITE PAPER: The Dell™ Management Console Powered by Altiris™ from Symantec™ provides a comprehensive management platform based on standardized IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes—facilitating the adoption of industry best practices and helping streamline and simplify IT management in enterprise data centers.
Posted: 15 Oct 2009 | Published: 01 Mar 2009

Dell and Symantec

Application Control at the Wireless Edge
sponsored by Xirrus
WHITE PAPER: With the advent of BYOD, cloud computing, and wireless, IT is losing control of the corporate network. This resource introduces an application intelligent solution that gives you the visibility and control you need to meet the challenges of the BYOD world.
Posted: 31 Jul 2013 | Published: 31 Dec 2012


Exploring Business and IT Friction: Myths and Realities
sponsored by BMC Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper explores the sources of friction between business users and IT and offers up recommendations on how to adjust your strategy to minimize these problems.
Posted: 27 Feb 2014 | Published: 17 Apr 2013

BMC Software, Inc.

Dell SupportAssist FAQ
sponsored by Dell, Inc. and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper features a series of frequently asked questions regarding Dell's SupportAssist technology.
Posted: 22 May 2014 | Published: 23 May 2013

Dell, Inc. and Intel®

How to Meet the Growing Demands on IT - 4 Steps along the Path
sponsored by Rackspace Technology
WHITE PAPER: This white paper details a four step process you must take in order for IT to stay ahead of your growing demands.
Posted: 18 Jun 2014 | Published: 18 Jun 2014

Rackspace Technology

Outsourcing IT Projects to Managed Hosting or the Cloud
sponsored by Rackspace Technology
WHITE PAPER: View this white paper to discover 12 critical success factors when outsourcing IT to managed hosting or the cloud.
Posted: 09 Jan 2015 | Published: 07 Jun 2014

Rackspace Technology

Tripwire IT Security and Compliance Automation Solutions: Empowering IT Security
sponsored by Tripwire, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: View this informative white paper to learn how you can improve your IT security practices. Uncover some of the toughest challenges to maintaining Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Uncover the sensitive data that needs protection as well as security policies and controls that could lead to a false of security.
Posted: 26 Sep 2012 | Published: 26 Sep 2012

Tripwire, Inc.

Want Personalized Service Delivery? Consider MyIT.
sponsored by BMC Software
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper covers how users demand the same availability and performance from their work IT services and applications as they find from those they use in their spare time.
Posted: 20 Dec 2013 | Published: 20 Dec 2013

BMC Software

Virtualizing Tier 1 Applications: A Critical Step on the Journey Toward the Private Cloud
sponsored by VMware, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This IDC white paper explains how much of the Enterprise IT community is at a crossroads in extending their journey to the private cloud: Companies must virtualize their business critical applications in order to reap the benefits of cloud computing.
Posted: 14 Oct 2010 | Published: 01 Jan 2010

VMware, Inc.

Cisco Global Cloud Index Q&A
sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper is a Q&A about the Cisco cloud index that will give you a full understanding of how it works and how you can use it to help you run your data center.
Posted: 11 Dec 2013 | Published: 11 Dec 2013

Cisco Systems, Inc.