MBONE White Papers

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Modernizing IT: Strategies for Improving Service Quality and Reducing IT Costs
sponsored by BMC Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Working harder simply won't get you there. No matter how many people you allocate, sinking more labor into old IT practices cannot concurrently meet rising demands on IT and cut costs. Read about cost-effective, automated ways to meet this challenge head-on in our latest article, “Strategies for Modernizing IT, Reducing Costs, and..”
Posted: 17 Jun 2009 | Published: 15 Jun 2009

BMC Software, Inc.

Dell Client Migration and Deployment Services
sponsored by Dell, Inc. and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: While PC prices continue to fall, the total cost of using PCs remains high, when the cost of the deployment activities themselves is considered. To help companies optimize their PC deployment process, Dell has developed a series of offerings that can be used to simplify the deployment process and reduce the time needed to deploy PCs.
Posted: 25 Nov 2009 | Published: 01 Oct 2009

Dell, Inc. and Intel®

Dimensional Research - Uncovering the Business Value of IT Service Management
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: The rapidly changing world of IT can be tough to adapt to, especially with further decentralization via the cloud. This white paper highlights IT service management and how it can increase your business efficiency.
Posted: 26 Nov 2013 | Published: 31 Dec 2011

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

How to Meet the Growing Demands on IT - 4 Steps along the Path
sponsored by Rackspace Technology
WHITE PAPER: This white paper details a four step process you must take in order for IT to stay ahead of your growing demands.
Posted: 18 Jun 2014 | Published: 18 Jun 2014

Rackspace Technology

Driving Business Value with VLOCK Infrastructure Platforms
sponsored by EMC Converged Platforms.
WHITE PAPER: Read this white paper to learn about the significant advantages of private cloud computing and find strategies for overcoming the challenges and risks of an implementation.
Posted: 14 Feb 2012 | Published: 31 Dec 2011

EMC Converged Platforms.

Why You Need an Infrastructure Provider - The Top 10 Things to Look For When Choosing One
sponsored by Verio
WHITE PAPER: Read this whitepaper to learn the benefits of outsourcing to infrastructure providers in today's competitive environment that can deliver solutions that meet the new demands of IT departments. Here are 10 things to look for when seeking out that provider.
Posted: 29 Jan 2010 | Published: 29 Jan 2010


A SaaS-First Approach to Application Porfolio Management
sponsored by BMC Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This white paper discusses the virtues of SaaS for business operations and where the technology is headed.
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 | Published: 13 Oct 2011

BMC Software, Inc.

Tripwire IT Security and Compliance Automation Solutions: Empowering IT Security
sponsored by Tripwire, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: View this informative white paper to learn how you can improve your IT security practices. Uncover some of the toughest challenges to maintaining Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Uncover the sensitive data that needs protection as well as security policies and controls that could lead to a false of security.
Posted: 26 Sep 2012 | Published: 26 Sep 2012

Tripwire, Inc.

Why You Should Take a Holistic Approach to ITIL and Service Support
sponsored by BMC Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: In these tough economic times, how do you address the challenge of reducing costs without diminishing your service quality? Companies can lower costs significantly and meet the growing demand for services by taking a more holistic approach. This paper discusses the importance of taking a unified approach to service support management and...
Posted: 18 Jun 2009 | Published: 15 Jun 2009

BMC Software, Inc.

Impact of Cloud on IT Consumption Models: Top 10 Insights
sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper reviews the conclusions from a survey of IT leaders around the world.
Posted: 08 Nov 2013 | Published: 08 Nov 2013

Cisco Systems, Inc.