A look forward to the 12 months ahead for IT leaders and the key trends of the coming year - this presentation came from Spencer Izard, chief analyst in the enterprise advisory team at Ovum, discussing the major technology trends for this year.
Fewer than 10% of CIOs identified themselves and their companies as being advanced in the journey to incorporate technology into their digital business strategies, Deloitte's 2018 CIO survey reveals in the UK edition of its 2018 global CIO survey, Manifesting Legacy: Looking Beyond the Digtal Era.
In this presentation from our CW500 event, director of digital architecture and transformation Chris Boyd explains how Telefonica tackled the challenges of delivering people, cultural and organisational change.
The weakening economy and turmoil in the U.S. financial system have left employees uneasy in workplaces across the country, this paper explains the ways to increase your team's productivity during these lean times.
This white papers talks about the challenges facing the UK annuity market and the strategies that can be taken by the product providers to meet them. The paper also talks about how Wipro can partner with providers to tap the
opportunities present in the marketplace.
Enterprise social applications are the next generation of collaboration and productivity tools, capturing the interpersonal knowledge of workers and the implicit connections among people, systems, and data.