In the second part of our 'Future of Financial Services' e-guide series, read about how the financial services industry is not just being shaken up with cosmetic changes, but is about to go through the process of being stripped down and rebuilt.
A look forward to the 12 months ahead for IT leaders and the key trends of the coming year - this presentation came from Spencer Izard, chief analyst in the enterprise advisory team at Ovum, discussing the major technology trends for this year.
A study shows that most fintech startups, like most banks, are failing to address vulnerabilities in the web and mobile applications, underlining the scale of the challenge
This guide from Vodafone explains how to introduce flexible working, what technologies to consider and how to succeed at implementation.
Financing information technology hardware is an accepted way of doing business. Clients are discovering the benefits of financing software and services and are making financing of software and services one of the fastest-growing segments of the IT financing industry. This paper explains the importance of aligning financing with IT transformation.
Now more than ever, HR professionals are tasked with optimizing performance management processes across the board, so they can ensure the most efficient use of corporate resources. Performance management will lead a company toward better engaging, retaining, and developing its most valuable asset: the workforce.
This white papers talks about the challenges facing the UK annuity market and the strategies that can be taken by the product providers to meet them. The paper also talks about how Wipro can partner with providers to tap the
opportunities present in the marketplace.
When Samsung Electronics France needed an automated solution for processing and sending 250,000 invoices per year from its SAP solution, they chose Esker DeliveryWare. This project, carried out by Esker Certified Partner, Aegis, reduced time involved in collecting customer payments by over 10% and enabled invoice tracking.