How can you balance the nuanced IT requirements within your nonprofit while delivering exceptional experiences for customers and employees? Access this e-book to examine the key areas in which ServiceNow supports the organizational and digital transformation goals of nonprofits.
In this issue, read about how and why one public sector IT professional in the Netherlands, Victor Gevers, took a whole year out to hack ethically and, in the process, unearthed about 1,000 vulnerabilities.
Unified collaboration (UC) is transforming the way business is done globally. In this issue of CW ASEAN, we take a closer look at how ASEAN enterprises are embracing UC tools, factors that organizations should consider when developing a UC strategy, and the emergence of startups that have been shaking up the marketplace.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how one of the most traditional of sports, golf, is turning to technology to engage a new audience and build the connected course. Industry legend Stephanie 'Steve' Shirley discusses skills, diversity in tech and Brexit fears. And we assess four of the biggest cloud storage providers. Read the issue now.
Since its beginnings nearly 40 years ago, the job of an organization's top IT executive has involved the cost-effective and strategic management of IT systems. But today's CIOs must also understand how IT drives business transformation.
In this week's Computer Weekly, a leading AI expert explains the risks of an arms race in artificial intelligence caused by the domination of private sector providers. Our latest buyer's guide examines ways to reduce IT's energy use. And we analyse the latest damning revelations from the Post Office scandal inquiry. Read the issue now.
In this handbook, focused on digital disruption in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at how business and IT leaders can implement a coherent and cohesive approach to digital transformation. Download the handbook now.
We take a look at our 2021 Salary Survey results from over 300 respondents who work in the UKI IT sector. We will be breaking down which job functions get paid what, what areas of IT companies will be investing in in 2021 and the current diversity landscape residing in the UK tech sector.
Today's new remote reality makes collaboration tools more important than ever. In this white paper, learn about a study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Slack which zeroed in on the benefits teams saw after switching to Slack.
The advantages of bots are only multiplying for businesses across the globe. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how robotic process automation is evolving, the benefits it brings for coders and the ways artificial intelligence can enhance customer service.