This white paper discusses the changing face of collaboration and the ways in which the new collaboration can benefit business. It points out that smart businesses already are looking for ways to connect communities so they can tap into both internal and external knowledge and use that knowledge to accelerate innovation.
Lotus Sametime 7.5 software will represent a significant upgrade in real-time collaboration capabilities. This paper will highlight Sametime 7.5 enhancements for instant messaging (IM), Web conferencing, telephony, video, VoIP and m...
Organizations of all shapes and sizes are struggling to keep pace with the speed of today's anytime, anywhere business world. This eBook introduces an IP-based unified communications solution that will give you the tools you need to stay competitive.
In this article, TED's curator describes the process that TED uses to prepare speakers for their presentations- suggestions that are helpful for presentations in any setting.
This e-guide discusses key deployment strategies to help unified communications (UC) pros get started. Uncover the physical components of video conferencing systems, interoperability and standards considerations and how organizations should address video management to ensure a solid quality of service (QoS).
IBM Lotus Sametime software helps you keep pace with your real-time work environment with market-leading, award-winning enterprise instant messaging and Web conferencing capabilities.
Social technologies, commonly called Web 2.0, were originally used to describe consumer technologies that enable groups to organize and share information and media. But enterprises quickly caught on to the value of these easy-to-use tools for capturing and sharing ad hoc information that may otherwise not be documented.
The benefits of Web conferencing have motivated many to become proficient at its use. But the economic downturn has brought a new urgency to finding ways to cut costs and work together efficiently. This study examines the role of usability as the major issue that stands in the way of truly beneficial adoption of web conferencing by the mainstream.
In this presentation transcript, Blair Pleasant identifies the elements of unified communications and discusses how often the potential of these elements are limited because they are locked within information "silos." Read on to learn how to link all your communication elements and unlock the value of true business process integration.
Access the following white paper to uncover how leading executives are leveraging the effectiveness of live video for higher sales and customer engagement. Discover the technology to consider and why a live video initiative should be implemented as soon as possible.