Customer Base White Papers

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Top 10 Benefits of Modernizing Your Desktop
sponsored by VMware
WHITE PAPER: Faced with a growing number of client devices, new user requirements, and the challenges of desktop management, many companies are determining that the conventional PC-centric model is no longer effective. This white paper explores the concept behind desktop modernization and outlines ten reasons you should start adopting it.
Posted: 25 Jun 2012 | Published: 22 Jun 2012


The Ten Must Haves for Secure Mobile Device Management
sponsored by Zenprise
WHITE PAPER: Businesses are changing their traditions as employees continue to adopt mobile phone practices. Enterprise mobility may be efficient, but it can also put important company data at risk. Learn more about how you can have secure mobile device management with this valuable resource.
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 | Published: 01 Aug 2012


Desktop Virtualization in K-12 Schools: Reducing costs, saving time and delivering anytime, anywhere access for students and staff
sponsored by VMware, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This paper will show how desktop virtualization can positively position educational institutions for the future, enabling them to reduce expenses through hard dollar savings and time efficiencies while delivering the experience that students, faculty and staff need and desire.
Posted: 24 Aug 2011 | Published: 24 Aug 2011

VMware, Inc.

Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: View this helpful white paper to learn more about analyzing security event data in real time for effective threat management. It outlines some of the top vendors who have technologies that are designed to help collect, store, analyze and report log data.
Posted: 19 Sep 2012 | Published: 19 Sep 2012

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Leveraging SAML for Federated Single Sign-on: Seamless Integration with Web-based Applications whether cloudbased, private, on-premise, or behind a firewall
sponsored by PortalGuard
WHITE PAPER: Consult this informative white paper to find out how you can resolve issues with user-accessibility. Single sign-on can eliminate problems with multiple password prompts and make accessibility easier for the user. Learn why a single sign-on process can help handle an organizations multiple cloud applications as well as provide secure accessibility.
Posted: 13 Aug 2012 | Published: 13 Aug 2012


Selecting and Engaging Relevant Accounts for ABM ROI
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, learn how to build a successful ABM foundation with data-driven account selection and modeling. Explore 4 signs your company is failing with ABM account selection, and discover how to match your account selection with active demand in your market.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 05 Jun 2019


Why More High-Performance Companies Are Depending on Intent Data
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: What is B2B intent data and how can it help your organization? Inside, get a crash course on B2B intent data. Learn how B2B intent data can help your organization glean actionable insights, and uncover top intent use cases today.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 27 Sep 2019


Big Data in Big Companies
sponsored by Red Hat
WHITE PAPER: Explore the following white paper to join analytics pioneer, Tom Davenport, as he reveals the findings of how big data fits into the data and analytics infrastructure of 20 large organizations. Find out how these companies are handling big data, the tools and skill sets used to maximize ROI, and what the future holds with analytics 3.0.
Posted: 17 Apr 2014 | Published: 21 Apr 2014

Red Hat

Using SMS for Marketing: A Beginner’s Resource
sponsored by StrikeIron
WHITE PAPER: One of the simplest ways to connect with your customers is one they use daily with their friends -- SMS, or text message. In this buyer's guide, learn all about the use of SMS for a variety of customer relationship management (CRM).
Posted: 30 May 2014 | Published: 30 May 2014


Global Brand Management
sponsored by OpenText
WHITE PAPER: The following white paper explores the business need for a global brand management solution to help distinguish your brand amongst thousands of other companies. Learn about the 3 key process to successful global brand management, the technology to use, and more.
Posted: 06 May 2014 | Published: 06 May 2014
