Search Results for: project management

Password Management Project Roadmap
As today’s organizations deploy an ever-growing number of complex systems, password management problems choke help desk systems, cause expensive delays and lost productivity, and threaten to compromise security. This document will guide you through the entire life of a successful password management project.

Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Case Study: Better Project Management in Live Environments
PGS had strict tech requirements for its oil services. Learn how they achieved the computing capacity they needed.

PR Television

Project Portfolio Management for the Skeptical IT Organization
This Webcast discusses how PPM can increase efficiency in IT organizations, better align IT with business goals and improve project execution. Learn how web-based solutions have made PPM easy to implement and use, and affordable.


Outsourcing IT Projects to Managed Hosting or the Cloud
View this white paper to discover 12 critical success factors when outsourcing IT to managed hosting or the cloud.

Rackspace Technology

Optimizing Requirements Management
In this expert e-guide, explore best practices for requirements management across development environments (agile, waterfall, and more) and zero in on the importance of end-user goals in the development process.


Stop Wasting 45% of Your Day
Accesst this featured white paper to find 3 common barriers to workplace productivity, and the essential solutions to resolving them. Read on to see how you can realign your project management methodology and increase productivity while reducing wasted time.


Agile Portfolio Management
Access this interactive presentation to explore how strategic portfolio planning can help your business cultivate innovation, and learn why an agile approach to portfolio management can help you overcome the shortcomings of traditional methods.

Rally Software

PROJECT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: Benefits, Challenges, Best Practices and Gotchas
As federal government programs have dramatically increased in number and complexity, more agencies have turned to project portfolio management (PPM). This helpful white paper provides an overview of the key things federal agency officials need to know about PPM, as well as best practices to follow and pitfalls to avoid with PPM implementation.

Oracle Corporation

Sensible one-page thoughts on managing performance
Ludo Houdenaert distils a lifetime of experience on managing performance in the IT department into this collection of short, digestible articles, written especially for Computer Weekly.


Successfully Managing Programs and Risk in the Aerospace and Defense Industry
Succeeding in this difficult environment requires an enterprise software solution that enables aerospace and defense companies to plan and execute programs and projects, demonstrate earned value compliance and manage resources and costs. Enterprise project portfolio management (EPPM) applications help meet these challenges.

Oracle Corporation