Search Results for: project management

E-Book: Project Management Tips for Successful ERP Implementations
ERP implementation projects require the complex coordination of people, process, and technology. If one part is mismanaged, the entire implementation can go off track. Project management can make or break ERP implementations. This e-book explains the tools and best practices that can keep an ERP implementation on time, in scope, and under budget.


Project Management & Business Skills Training Catalog
Throughout the following pages, you can read about our approach, solutions, methodology, and courses - the sum of our vast resources - all designed to promote your pursuit of superior personal and business performance through rapid skills development.

Global Knowledge

Lessons from 40 PPM Experts on Making the Transition from Project Management to Project Leadership
This whitepaper combines interviews from 40 PPM leaders, providing diverse insight into their experiences successfully leading teams.


Project and Portfolio Management: Analyzing Business Project needs
Without proper sequencing, marketing a software project will quickly spin out of control. PPM can organize the chaos—if you begin with the right tools.

TechTarget Software Quality

Project Management Network Diagram: A Tool for Understanding the PM Life Cycle
The Project Management Network Diagram (PM Network Diagram) provides a visual illustration of the project management life cycle (in terms of the chain of events that take place in a project).

Global Knowledge

DevOps and Cloud Tools Stirring the Project Management Pot
Already a fluid position, project management is changing once again with the advent of cloud-based ALM tools.

TechTarget Software Quality

Essential Guide: Project and Portfolio Management: Analyzing Business Project Needs
View this informative resource to learn more about proper sequencing, marketing a software project and how you can keep everything under control with the right tools. It provides a step-by-step process on managing customer driven software development as well as other important steps.

Rally Software

Presentation Transcript: Governance in Project Portfolio Management
This is a transcript of a presentation by Brian Turner, Chief Service Delivery Officer at Point consulting firm. He discusses how to keep governance relevant and effective in today’s tough times, what factors drive effective governance structures and what strategies make those governance structures in your organization more effective.


Project Workforce Management for Service Organizations
Professional services automation is not flexible enough to overcome the challenges associated with delivering services. Read this paper to learn how project workforce management can improve collaboration between your organization and its customers.


Outsourcing IT Projects to Managed Hosting or the Cloud
This guide explores the 12 success factors IT professionals should consider when looking to outsource IT projects to managed hosting or the cloud.

Rackspace Technology