CtoC Multimedia

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Successful Strategies For Business Process Integration
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WEBCAST: Business processes and their effectiveness are what differentiate your company from your competitors. If you can successfully manage your processes you are able to increase efficiency, improve customer service, and deliver new products faster. Watch this webcast to learn how to put your best foot forward when it comes to BPM.
Posted: 24 Jul 2012 | Premiered: Jul 17, 2012

Oracle Corporation

Applying Business Analytics Webinar Series - Got Bad Data? Part 3
sponsored by SAS
WEBCAST: Tune in to this Webinar to find out how data quality influences the effectiveness of predictive analytics and forecasting. You’ll learn how to go beyond name and address matching to realize the potential of numerical data quality, how to overcome insufficient yet relevant data from your predictive and forecasting models, and more.
Posted: 09 Apr 2010 | Premiered: Apr 9, 2010


Dynamic Business Processes Podcast Series: Tips for Thriving in Today’s Economy with BPM
sponsored by IBM
PODCAST: Today, more than ever, organizations must deliver the benefits of cost optimization and business agility. This podcast series explains how that goal can be realized through dynamic Business Processes Management. The series focuses on banking, government, healthcare, insurance, cross-industry and retail.
Posted: 15 Oct 2009 | Premiered: Oct 15, 2009


How Not to Get Fired: Choose JBoss Enterprise BRMS for Your Mission-Critical Business-Rules Deployment
sponsored by Red Hat
WEBCAST: Watch this webcast now to get an overview of the JBoss Enterprise BRMS and its key capabilities for tackling demanding process tasks.
Posted: 20 Jul 2012 | Premiered: Jul 20, 2012

Red Hat

Help! The Applications Octopus is Strangling our Business! Is your business strangled by outdated applications and inflexible architectures?
sponsored by ASG Software Solutions
WEBCAST: This webcast shows insights into enabling businesses to  face business challenges by combining business driven information systems and effective application portfolio management.
Posted: 03 Nov 2010 | Premiered: Nov 16, 2010, 11:00 EST (16:00 GMT)

ASG Software Solutions

Plan and Act on Findings with IBM Cognos Enterprise
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: The following webcast depicts how to create, update, and manage a successful business plan. Discover what techniques you can use to move your business forward.
Posted: 08 Nov 2013 | Premiered: Nov 8, 2013


How to Get Lean with Automated Process Discovery - Live demonstration and case study presentation
sponsored by Fujitsu America, Inc.
WEBCAST: The biggest challenge to improving the efficiency of your business processes often lies in knowing how these processes really work in your organization. This webcast will teach you how to visualize and analyze your business processes from historical data, expose process waste and apply lean initiatives to achieve significant value.
Posted: 23 Mar 2010 | Premiered: Mar 23, 2010

Fujitsu America, Inc.

Transitioning to the software defined data center (SDDC)
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
WEBCAST: There is a significant investment in the monitoring tools that support your current physical and virtualized infrastructure. This webcast will help you develop tactical and strategic plans for transitioning to the new challenges of managing and optimizing the abstracted infrastructure elements of the SDDC.
Posted: 26 Nov 2013 | Premiered: Nov 26, 2013

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Grow Your Business with Microsoft Dynamics CRM
sponsored by Microsoft
WEBCAST: View this webcast to see how that Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 gives you the capability to easily create and maintain a clear view of customers from first contact through purchase and post sales.
Posted: 09 Sep 2009 | Premiered: Sep 9, 2009


What Distinguishes World Class Manufacturing Companies
sponsored by NetSuite
WEBCAST: This webcast discusses the challenges faced by manufacturers and the characteristics that make top enterprises stand out from the pack.
Posted: 14 Dec 2011 | Premiered: Dec 14, 2011
