Business Strategic Planning Reports

Presentation Transcript: Strategies to Help You Increase Your Team's Productivity in Lean Times
sponsored by Qwest Communications
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: The weakening economy and turmoil in the U.S. financial system have left employees uneasy in workplaces across the country, this paper explains the ways to increase your team's productivity during these lean times.
Posted: 10 Feb 2009 | Published: 10 Feb 2009

Qwest Communications

New SOA Maturity Model
sponsored by Progress
WHITE PAPER: How can organizations understand SOA and manage the migration to SOA? The New SOA Maturity Model provides a visionary framework that aligns IT action with business benefit. Read this paper to assess your organization's SOA readiness.
Posted: 02 Mar 2007 | Published: 01 Jan 2006


IONA Artix Registry/Repository
sponsored by IONA Technologies
WHITE PAPER: SOA is distributed by nature and enterprise SOA initiatives require a level of governance to succeed long-term. Read this white paper and learn how Artix Registry/Repository effectively addresses the challenges of deploying and managing a distribut...
Posted: 19 Jun 2007 | Published: 01 Jun 2007

IONA Technologies

The Performance Manager: Turning Information into Higher Business Performance
sponsored by IBM Cognos
BOOK: The Performance Manager, Proven Strategies for Turning Information into Higher Business Performance, strengthens the partnership between decision-makers and the people who provide the information that drives better decisions.
Posted: 26 Jan 2007 | Published: 26 Jan 2007

IBM Cognos

Presentation Transcript: The Need for Best of Breed. Tips for your ERP & BI Application Strategy
sponsored by IBM Cognos
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: This Webcast Transcript can help you put your business intelligence (BI) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) needs into perspective with application strategy tips offered by Ray Wang at Forrester Research.
Posted: 06 Jul 2009 | Published: 25 Jun 2009

IBM Cognos

10 Steps to Mobile Security
sponsored by Sybase iAnywhere
WHITE PAPER: Security is the top priority on everyone's minds, especially with the growth of mobile devices on the rise. This paper details the 10 critical steps to ensure a successful mobile security strategy.
Posted: 02 Jan 2007 | Published: 01 Nov 2006

Sybase iAnywhere

Presentation Transcript: Changing the Economics of Storage Infrastructure with Virtualization
sponsored by LSI and presented by HP
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: In these hard economic times, so much information is already out there about how to bring down the costs of storage infrastructures, but none of them describe how the design of a flexible and agile (adaptive) infrastructure actually facilitates these potential savings.
Posted: 29 May 2009 | Published: 15 May 2009

LSI and presented by HP

The Superstar CFO - Optimizing an Increasingly Complex Role
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Read this CFO Research study to understand how CFOs should prioritize the external and company-wide mandates, as well as how they should manage the finance function itself.
Posted: 01 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 May 2007

SAP America, Inc.

The Next Generation of CRM - Engaging with the Empowered Customer in Turbulent Times
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WEBCAST: This Webcast and complimentary Podcast explores today's consumer trends and new customer strategies that will help companies not only survive the current economy but emerge as a leader in the long run.
Posted: 13 Mar 2009 | Premiered: Mar 31, 2009, 12:00 EDT (16:00 GMT)

SAP America, Inc.

Integrating Corporate Travel, Procurement and Meetings Management: A Best Practices Roadmap to Strategic Meetings Management Success
sponsored by StarCite
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, StarCite presents its latest industry research about where corporations stand when it comes to travel and meetings integration - and a roadmap for companies ready to reap the rewards of an integrated approach.
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 | Published: 09 Mar 2009
