Because organizations are demanding 24x7 availability from their IMS, DB2®, and VSAM applications, it is imperative that those applications do not experience outages. Read this white paper to find out how BMC's Hybrid Copy techniques help for faster system recovery in the event of a local outage.
This paper examines the business issues that drive organizations to consider a real-time change data capture solution to optimize ETL processes. This helps alleviate batch windows to enable the delivery of timely, trusted information to the business.
Visual representations are a fundamental component of human learning and understanding. To study the impact of data visualization, we must first look to the past and see how our ways of shaping and representing data have changed over time. This paper traces the history of visual representation, from cave drawings to the computer revolution.
BMC provides a set of tools and utilities that are designed to automate the complex processes involved in updating and managing DB2 environments with the aim of being easy to use, and fast and effective in their execution.
This informative resource explains why businesses can and must transform their practices. The most frequently cited critical objective that an organization can achieve by allowing business users to always get the right information at the right time is the ability to alter business processes more dynamically.
In this executive report from MIT Sloan Management Review and IBM Institute for Business Value learn how the smartest organizations are embedding analytics to transform insights into action and out-perform the competition, recommended actions organizations can take to bolster their analytics capabilities to achieve long-term advantage.
The following white paper details the impressive and inherently powerful technology of data visualization. Discover how this technology can dramatically increase your organization's competitive edge and see exactly how it can benefit you.
The following white paper explores how data visualization can deliver quicker understanding of what's happening in your data more so than you can with traditional analytics. Learn how interactive data exploration allows for higher data value, improved employee productivity, and much more.
Fuel cells are becoming a very efficient and clean source of electrical energy for the future. Fuel cells boast many advantages when compared with conventional energy sources of today.
Discover how a private technical compute cloud can help your business provide access to remote, full 3D technical visualization and rendering capabilities that can help to enhance collaboration and productivity.