Analytics Multimedia

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Tips from the Trade – Competing on Web Analytics
sponsored by SAS
WEBCAST: The online channel has been one of the more successful areas of business during these economic times, but most businesses are still behind when it comes to web analytics. Watch this webcast to also learn the overall best practices and the future needs within online analytics.
Posted: 20 Aug 2009 | Premiered: Aug 20, 2009


Unlock the Value of Social Media Data
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
WEBCAST: Social media data is extremely valuable for businesses, but it doesn't mean anything if you don't have the right tools and processes in place to make sense of it all. In this resource, discover a new approach to business intelligence that responds to the unique analytic challenges of social media data.
Posted: 28 Jun 2013 | Premiered: May 31, 2012

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Kinetic IT
sponsored by McAfee, Inc.
VIDEO: Hear from Kinetic IT's Security Service Director on the successful fourteen year partnership with McAfee.
Posted: 10 May 2017 | Premiered: 10 May 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management
McAfee, Inc.

You May Not Know It yet, but You Need All-Flash Storage
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Innovations in all-flash array may be a little ahead of market demand, but provide great opportunities for IT leaders.
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 | Premiered: Apr 6, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Vident Health: More Than the Sum of its Parts
sponsored by McAfee, Inc.
VIDEO: Find out how Vident Health overcame alert overload and enabled an innovative, patient-focused environment.
Posted: 10 May 2017 | Premiered: 10 May 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management
McAfee, Inc.

Cloud Service Provider Leads China With E-Ticketing System
sponsored by IBM
VIDEO: Huaxia Express has improved the transportation system in China while decreasing costs and increasing scalability.
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 | Premiered: 06 Apr 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Advantage Cloud: A Clear Path to Modernizing B2B Integration
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Many rely on outdated, manual systems to exchange critical data. Learn how to reshape B2B integration with the cloud.
Posted: 20 Jan 2017 | Premiered: Jan 20, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

ASICS EMEA Hits the Ground Running with Cloud-Based Mobility Solution
sponsored by Microsoft
VIDEO: Watch this video to learn how everyone at ASICS is in better shape to help the company attain its goal to become the number one brand for the sports enthusiast by using the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) solution.
Posted: 14 Feb 2018 | Premiered: 14 Feb 2018

TOPICS:  IT Management

Do You Effectively Manage Complex Data Transformation?
sponsored by IBM
VIDEO: Discover how to manage transformation with a single solution as data flows through the enterprise.
Posted: 20 Jan 2017 | Premiered: 20 Jan 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Modernize Your B2B Platform
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: The best-in-class companies invest in modern B2B platforms to meet business priorities. Don't fall behind.
Posted: 20 Jan 2017 | Premiered: Jan 20, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management