Blockchain is all the rage, although the technology is so much more than just about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. In this issue of CW ASEAN, we examine how blockchain is being applied in cyber security, and whether the technology is really as secure as claimed by its proponents. Read the issue now.
In this guide, you can find best practice, analysis of the latest trends, and expert advice on formulating enterprise strategy in laptops, desktop PCs and mobile devices.
Enterprise mobility management software allows IT to deploy security policies and provide access to internal resources by integrating with APIs in the mobile OSes. This e-guide shows enterprise mobility management software offerings and use cases.
Today's mobile application development tools focus on workflow and micro apps, which pare down business processes to present users with the key data they need.
Upgrading to Windows 10 is no small undertaking. There are several critical questions all IT admin should ask before making the move to Windows 10. Understand what's different in Microsoft's latest operating system, and the keys to managing Windows 10 mobile devices.
This expert guide from SearchSecurity.com examines the top risks of mobile security and what BYOD risks your enterprise could encounter, along with how you can rethink network security and take the steps needed to ensure a successful BYOD experience.
Desktop virtualization attracts clinicians and health IT professionals alike with time savings and technological streamlining. This exclusive handbook takes a look at three added issues about virtualization in healthcare settings – performance, caregiving, and hyper-convergence.
Download this expert e-guide to take a look at the top 5 considerations for implementing an EMM strategy, and learn how to overcome challenges such as managing too many devices, BYOD, and lack of policies.
The EMM market is growing at a rapid pace. To stay on top of your mobile strategy, organizations should be aware of a number of trends. In this e-guide compare mobile device management products, trends, and more to implement the most effective mobile strategy for your organization.
So while there will inevitably be heated debates over which mobile platform is better, or which one to develop for first, the real opportunity comes when the discussion moves above the hardware to how an app can derive value by connecting to different business platforms and ecosystems. Find out more in this eguide.