Thanks to an app developed in Sweden, drones can get life-saving equipment to heart-attack victims before emergency services can arrive on the scene, potentially increasing patient survival rates. Also in this issue, read about a Swedish bank's time-saving robots.
In this issue of CW Europe, find out how researchers in the Netherlands are attempting to help IT systems fight certain cyber attacks in a similar way to the human immune system works. Also find out about the so-called "Klarna academy" in Stockholm, which has created the next set of Nordic fintech entrepreneurs.
In this infographic, we take a look at the impact of the pandemic on IT purchasing in the UKI region and analyse the best marketing and sales approaches for prospect outreach on the new 'digital' normal.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to Disney Advertising Sales about how it is using data to subserve story-telling excellence. We delve into how rising energy costs negatively impacted the the UK arm of Sungard Availability Services. And we look at the role of infrastructure as code in edge datacentres. Read the issue now.
In this ezine, we look at how digital transformation is shaking up the Nordic region and placing CIOs at the forefront of the social and economic changes that come with it. Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland are all heading in the same direction at pace and it appears this move is being fuelled by more traditional businesses.
The organisers of this year's Tour de France worked with technology services company NTT in partnership with Amaury Sport Organisation to provide what they described as an "enhanced experience" for race fans who could not be at the roadside because of Covid restrictions.
In this issue, we ask experts how they're approaching digital transformation to meet customers demand, and we look at whether the actions of the user should reflect on the accountability of the cloud provider
Oil may be the main fuel to the economies of the Middle East, but the region is trying to break from its reliance on the black stuff. This ezine has already featured articles about the UAE and Saudi Arabia diversifying their economies, with particular interest in fintech.