EPMO White Papers

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Application Lifecycle Management for the Enterprise: Serena's Approach to ALM 2.0
sponsored by SERENA Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: ALM has made software development projects more successful over the past twelve years, but statistics show there is still room for improvement. See how Serena's ALM approach can help your organization overcome the shortcomings of traditional ALM tools.
Posted: 07 May 2007 | Published: 01 Apr 2007

SERENA Software, Inc.

Smarter system development: a systems engineering trade study to support green initiatives with model-driven development
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Trade study analysis is an effective method of comparing potential solutions to a given problem. Using a model-driven approach allows you to perform trade studies before development or implementation begins and saves time, money, and development headaches. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 14 May 2009 | Published: 01 Apr 2009


Ten Key Steps to Effective Succession Planning
sponsored by Halogen Software
WHITE PAPER: Read this whitepaper to learn 10 Key Steps to Effective Succession Planning. It also discusses best practices, replacement planning, talent pools, and the aging workforce.
Posted: 21 Aug 2008 | Published: 20 Aug 2008

Halogen Software

SOA Platforms - Evolving to Meet Stringent Market Realities
sponsored by Fiorano Software, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This white paper details the evolution of SOA platforms from point products to second-generation architectures such as the enterprise service grid.
Posted: 13 Jun 2007 | Published: 01 Jun 2007

Fiorano Software, Inc.

The Performance Manager: Turning Information Into Higher Business Performance
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Download this white paper for an extensive summary of The Performance Manager, Proven Strategies for Turning Information into Higher Business Performance, a book that examines the partnership between decision-makers and the people who provide them with information to drive better decisions.
Posted: 20 Jul 2009 | Published: 14 Feb 2008


The Agile Checklist
sponsored by VersionOne Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This paper presents a set of agile meeting and facilitation checklists that offer an easy framework to help guide software development teams through the various agile cycles. Read on to learn about the Agile Development Rhythms and start using the checklists presented herein to help get through the various agile cycles.
Posted: 24 Jul 2009 | Published: 24 Jul 2009

VersionOne Inc.

Increased Productivity, Decreased Cost, Happier Employees: First American Meets Its Goals with TechExcel HelpDesk
sponsored by TechExcel
WHITE PAPER: TechExcel's HelpDesk application is unique in the industry, offering a combination of intuitive interfaces, sustainable performance, and total customizability for a reasonable price.
Posted: 19 Aug 2008 | Published: 19 Aug 2008


Mastering the Iteration : The Heartbeat of Agile Development
sponsored by Rally Software
WHITE PAPER: This white paper is an excerpt from the book "Scaling Software Agility: Best Practices for Large Enterprises", and describes the iteration pattern and activities that a team engages in to create tested, value-delivered code in a short time box.
Posted: 14 Aug 2008 | Published: 14 Aug 2008

Rally Software

Enterprise Performance Management: Joining Planning and Reporting for Superior Results
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Read this paper on enterprise performance to learn about financial and reporting requirements, when to adopt integrated enterprise performance management processes and system software, and hear about customer examples.
Posted: 05 May 2009 | Published: 01 Apr 2008

Oracle Corporation