This Computer Weekly buyer's guide looks at how to take an Agile approach to mobile app development. Discover how to gain a competitive edge by accelerating mobile development, turning mobile users' expectations to your advantage, and building unique, differentiated mobile experiences.
ALM has made software development projects more successful over the past twelve years, but statistics show there is still room for improvement. See how Serena's ALM approach can help your organization overcome the shortcomings of traditional ALM tools.
With products available in stand-alone, chassis-based, fixed optics or SFP ports, Transition Networks has a product to meet your requirements.
Hear Kevin Hoyt, platform evangelist at Adobe, discuss building Ajax apps using the latest version of Dreamweaver CS4 and extending apps outside the browswer with Adobe AIR.
This new webcast series for Quality Management and Testing Professionals, will explore the extensive new capabilities required to keep pace with today's dynamic applications environment.
Performance optimization is a key ingredient in the struggle to stretch an invested IT dollar to its absolute limit. Read this whitepaper to learn about the 3-step 'prevent, find, fix' approach to handling performance optimization problems at any stage of the development lifecycle.
While GenAI is not expected to supersede other IT priorities such as cloud, application development and cyber security, it will augment those areas by making it easier to build software and improve cyber resilience. In this round-up, we review some of the key IT trends that are likely to shape the industry across the region in 2024.
In this handbook, focused on tech careers for women in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at what can be done to attract more women into software development.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how the Met Office is using its vast stores of weather data to create innovative new products. Our latest buyer's guide looks into identity and access management systems. And we examine the geopolitical threats that could curb the openness of open source. Read the issue now.
In this month's CW EMEA, we look at how schools in Germany have stopped using Microsoft Office 365 over lack of clarity over how data is collected, shared and used. We also delve into how former UK spy boss Richard Dearlove leaked names of MI6 secret agent recruiters in China to back an aggressive right-wing US campaign against tech company Huawei.