Commercial Insurance Industry Multimedia

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Insurance 2020: Innovating beyond Old Models
sponsored by IBM Line of Business
PODCAST: Podcast discusses the strategic challenges insurance companies will face in the insurance marketplace of the future and shares ideas for moving from today's realities to tomorrow's potential.
Posted: 12 Jun 2008 | Premiered: Jun 12, 2008

IBM Line of Business

Medical Office Increases Productivity with New Communications System
sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc.
VIDEOCAST: This video case study showcases a physician's practice implementing a phone system and reducing time required for appointment reminder calls from four hours to 15 minutes per day and achieving efficient contact with insurance companies.
Posted: 26 Jun 2008 | Premiered: Jun 26, 2008

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Sybase Financial Services Video
sponsored by Sybase, an SAP company
VIDEO: This video presentation takes a look at the unique needs of financial service providers. Continue watching to learn the tools and technologies they rely on to provide the highest quality results to their clients.
Posted: 05 Jul 2011 | Premiered: 05 Jul 2011

Sybase, an SAP company

BPM Adoption Patterns & Practices in Industry
sponsored by Oracle Corporation UK Ltd
WEBCAST: Watch this webcast to learn how organizations in the financial services, communications, utilities, and retail industries are adopting business process management (BPM) software and using best practices to address their pertinent process challenges to deliver relevant business value.
Posted: 07 Sep 2012 | Premiered: Sep 7, 2012

Oracle Corporation UK Ltd

Managing the Transition to IFRS
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
PODCAST: Listen to this podcast with David Jones, Director at PWC, who has worked with multi-national companies across Europe helping them to make the transition to adopting IFRS and to improve their financial reporting in the process.
Posted: 21 Mar 2011 | Premiered: Mar 18, 2011

Oracle Corporation

Rabobank International Enabling Customers to Bank Safe With HP
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
WEBCAST: View this brief webcast to see what one financial industry leader sees as a solution fit for the security future of his organization, and how strategies involving big data and education can keep customers' money and data safe from cybercrime.
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 | Premiered: Nov 27, 2013

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Denials: The hot topic we don’t want
sponsored by FinThrive
WEBCAST: 78% of hospitals are reporting that their experiences with commercial insurers are getting worse. Watch this webinar to learn how the healthcare industry can build bridges and foster better communication between providers and payers.
Posted: 14 Jun 2024 | Premiered: Jun 14, 2024


Dynamic Business Processes Podcast Series: Tips for Thriving in Today’s Economy with BPM
sponsored by IBM
PODCAST: Today, more than ever, organizations must deliver the benefits of cost optimization and business agility. This podcast series explains how that goal can be realized through dynamic Business Processes Management. The series focuses on banking, government, healthcare, insurance, cross-industry and retail.
Posted: 15 Oct 2009 | Premiered: Oct 15, 2009


Selling effectively in healthcare by using the right data
sponsored by Definitive Healthcare
WEBCAST: In the current economic environment it's become vitally important for organizations selling into healthcare to focus on the key sales and marketing activities that will drive results. In order to do that you need to know you're working with the best healthcare commercial intelligence possible.
Posted: 22 Nov 2022 | Premiered: Oct 13, 2022

Definitive Healthcare

Author and deploy rules using WebSphere Decision Management
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Learn how the WebSphere ILOG Business Rules Management System (BRMS) can automate decision making for data validation, eligibility and pricing. This demo uses an insurance industry scenario to show how the WebSphere ILOG BRMS can be used by organizations.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 | Premiered: Jul 7, 2011


Predicting Customer Churn in Real-Time
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: This presentation considers the advantages that come with real-time customer churn intervention. Watch now to discover how machine learning and text analytics can help your company step in at the right time to avoid losing valuable customers.
Posted: 03 Nov 2015 | Premiered: Nov 2, 2015


Economic & Productivity Impact of IT Security on Healthcare - Video
sponsored by Imprivata
WEBCAST: View this webcast to explore the results of a recent Ponemon Institute study that indicate a clear need for healthcare institutions to invest in modern communications technology to ensure efficient patient care, as well as compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.
Posted: 08 Nov 2013 | Premiered: May 8, 2013
