Search Results for: project management

Worklight Integration with RTC for Mobile Application Development
View this demo to get a brief overview of How IBM's Worklight mobile development platform tools and its Rational Team Concert collaborative lifecycle management tools integrate to enable successful mobile application development.


Sales Prospector Demo
View this three-minute demo to learn how Oracle's Social CRM application, Sales Prospector, helps increase a salesperson's effectiveness by providing relevant information about existing and potential customers.

Oracle Corporation

Evaluate: IBM Rational Software Architect V8
Download the latest version of IBM Rational Software Architect V8 to experience the latest in design and modeling technologies, comprehensive support for emerging technologies around SOA and Java Enterprise Edition 5, and best of breed tools that integrate with IBM's product lifecycle management solutions.


Craft the Right Strategy for Your Enterprise With HP Mobility Solutions
HP Enterprise Mobility Services can help you build mobile applications that enable you to convert customer interactions into revenue opportunities. Click on the link below to learn more and one of our mobility experts will be in touch shortly to discuss a face to face demo. To reach out to HP directly, please email us at

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Bamboo 1.2
This IT download provides software known as Atlassian Bamboo which utilizes continuous integration to automate the process of building, integrating and testing software code, providing managers with greater insight into the development process.


CloudTest Lite
CloudTest Lite provides rapid test creation and real-time analytics for frequent, lower-scale performance testing for Web and mobile applications. Download CloudTest Lite Beta Version today to start experiencing these benefits in your own organization.


Microsoft Dynamics GP Enterprise
Receive a free demo from Microsoft Dynamics GP (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains), a comprehensive business-management solution built on the highly scalable and affordable platform of Microsoft technologies.


Rational Requirements Composer
Download a free trial of IBM Rational Requirements Composer V1.0.0.1, a requirements definition tool for organizations seeking easy to use elicitation and definition tools that enhance their ability to create the right requirements for their projects and drive improved quality, speed, and alignment across the IT lifecycle.


BlackBerry Web Development Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio
The BlackBerry® Plug-in for Microsoft® Visual Studio® allows developers to leverage existing Microsoft® based developer tools to create, profile and debug web projects for BlackBerry smartphones. Continue on to learn more and to download BlackBerry Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio.


Evaluate: IBM Mashup Center
IBM Mashup Center is an enterprise mashup platform enabling the rapid creation, sharing, and discovery of reusable application building blocks (widgets, feeds, mashups). Discover how these tools can use these components to easily assemble new applications or improve existing ones by downloading this free software trial.