The cyber threat landscape facing chief information security officers (CISOs) has morphed into a rapidly evolving beast, fuelled by the breakneck pace of digital transformation. In this e-guide, delve into the unique pressures faced by CISOs in technology and other industries, and how they are rising to the challenge.
This e-guide explores these matters, beginning with a comprehensive article that ranges over supply chain management, from a macro level through how trading platforms have been flexed to switch suppliers rapidly down to how robots have been quickly deployed to solve problems of scale.
This e-guide examines the business case for manufacturing BI, and shows how manufacturers can take both demand and supply side signals into account when predicting future needs.
This white paper introduces a mobile application platform that gives you the power to manage your business at any time, from any location, and on any popular mobile device.
In this IDC report, explore how organizations are evolving their B2B integration capabilities to adapt to new business and technology trends, as well as achieve operational and customer excellence.
This e-guide reveals key trends and technologies driving the adoption of sustainable, collaborative and dynamic supply chain management strategies and explains why manufacturers are embracing third-party logistics providers (3PLs).
Check out this case study to learn how Heineken implemented an out-of-the-box self-service application to improve data analytics and business intelligence (BI) from SAP. Read on to discover how Heineken achieved easier access to stock overview data, service levels, lead times in the supply chain, and other benefits.
In this expert e-guide, learn how you can simplify the challenges of enterprise resource planning (ERP) integration and increase efficiency through data consolidation, standardization, and supply chain visibility.
Learn how Salt River Project focused on understanding the business architecture of their company to enable process visibility and understanding. And examine their multi-phase approach to building a foundation on SAP around finance, human resources, and supply chain management.