Security Assertion Markup Language Reports

Web Services Security: What's Required to Secure a Service-Oriented Architecture
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This white paper details a holistic approach for Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) security using additional, application-level industry standards to secure web services and multi-step transactions in a SOA environment.
Posted: 16 Mar 2009 | Published: 01 Jan 2008

Oracle Corporation

CW APAC – Tech career guide: Software development
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this handbook, Computer Weekly looks at what it takes to land a career and thrive in the fast-moving world of software development
Posted: 20 Aug 2024 | Published: 20 Aug 2024


CW APAC: Trend watch: Enterprise resource planning
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this handbook, focused on enterprise resource planning in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at what's behind this renewed priority and why firms want cheaper software maintenance and the benefits of best-of-breed cloud apps.
Posted: 18 Aug 2022 | Published: 18 Aug 2022


Computer Weekly – 27 September 2022: Making digital a key ingredient at Mondelez
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to snack giant Mondelez, the owner of Cadbury, about how AI and data are transforming its business. SAP is increasing support costs for the first time in years – we assess the impact on customers. And a Ukrainian tech CEO tells us how his company kept going despite the Russian invasion. Read the issue now.
Posted: 23 Sep 2022 | Published: 27 Sep 2022


Computer Weekly – 15 November 2016: Counting the cost of financial cyber crime
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, the cyber security of banks is under scrutiny after an attack on Tesco Bank leads to millions lost in fraudulent transactions. Our latest buyer's guide, on server operating systems, looks at Windows Server 2016. And Coca-Cola explains how a move to the cloud is helping to motivate staff. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 15 Nov 2016


First edition of Computer Weekly 1966
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: To celebrate Computer Weekly's 50th anniversary, the National Museum of Computing, which holds the print archives of the magazine, has scanned the first issue of Computer Weekly. We have made this available to download.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 09 Sep 2016


Computer Weekly – 21 May 2019: Managing software updates in Windows 10
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how technology is fighting poverty by increasing financial inclusion. We examine how best to manage the challenges of Microsoft's new plan for ongoing Windows 10 updates. And we find out how data innovation at Lloyd's of London is supporting a wider digital modernisation. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 21 May 2019


CW ANZ – Jan 2019: Keeping pace with microservices
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this edition of CW ANZ, we look at how enterprises are using microservices to solve problems and the challenges they are facing in moving to this new paradigm in software development. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Jan 2019


Does a proprietary solution automatically mean vendor lock-in?
sponsored by TechTarget
ANALYST REPORT: The dread of any IT manager is in making a significant purchase of hardware or software to then find that they are 'locked in' to one supplier. But analyst Clive Longbottom asks, is this still the case?
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 14 Mar 2016


CW@50 - What was making the news in May
sponsored by TechTarget
ESSENTIAL GUIDE: The National Museum of Computing has trawled the Computer Weekly archives for another selection of articles highlighting significant articles published in the month of May over the past five decades.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 09 May 2016
