This informative white paper explains the need for secure socket layer (SSL) offloading in order to reduce added pressure on central processing units (CPUs) from 4096-bit keys.
Building and adhering to security standards are essential for mitigating risk and ensuring adequate IT security. NIST is one of the first risk assessment standards, offering guidelines for securing the IT infrastructure. In this e-guide, gain an in-depth look into NIST and uncover how to decrease the risks that your industry faces.
This document examines the standards and guidelines as outlined by NIST, and demonstrates the ways in which BlueCat Network’s DNS solution address these guidelines.
While cloud computing promises business advantages such as agility, efficiency, cost savings and more, many organizations are still hesitant to adopt for one prominent reason – security. In this expert e-guide uncover the driving need for cloud computing security standards and how this issue is being addressed.
This paper clarifies what cloud computing is, identifies the services offered in the cloud, and also examines potential business benefits, risks, and assurance considerations. Read on to learn more about cloud computing from security, governance, and assuarance perspectives.
SOX-style legislation and the evolving threat from viruses is challenging the ability of IT management to keep up with security requirements. This webcast explains why so many systems are at risk and what you can do to mitigate these threats.
This report cuts to the chase when it comes to suppliers focusing on smart cities and forwar-thinking municipalities. Read now for evaluations on leading players in the market that have the capacity to provide leadership on large-scale projects spanning multiple city requirements.
This white paper highlights the benefits of scale-out NAS solution from EMC that can keep up with exponential data growth, increased regulations and compliance mandates. This solution provides the flexibility and availability that traditional storage approaches can't provide.
Join Gartner analysts from 28 February to 1 March in Dubai, industry thought leaders and a select group of your peers to find new answers to new questions - and learn how your IT leadership can create and follow the path to world class best practice.
This paper describes how smarter government means making operations and services truly citizen-centric, integrating their service delivery, coordinating programs and allowing a choice of access channels, as well as placing the most needed transactions on the Web.