The coronavirus is changing everything about how people work, and will do so permanently. It added that even though the working world was experiencing unprecedented uncertainty, there were two things that should be borne in mind: the virus will pass, and at the other side of the pandemic, the world of work will look very different.
Read this case study to see how Nutra-Flo Company adopted Lotus Notes and Domino 8 to collect collaborative applications in a single customizable interface and conveniently group communications, helping to improve staff productivity.
In this white paper, we are going to discuss the application of QoS to networks with media flows installed within them, such as voice and video. We'll see that it is very unnatural for voice to even exist on a data network, because it was never designed to do so.
This white paper shares practical perspectives on preparing a business case for collaboration tools within Unified Communications, as well as offering best practice approaches for ensuring the successful adoption - and maximum contribution - of collaboration applications in your enterprise.
This presentation transcript features independent expert and Exchange MVP Richard Luckett giving an overview of OCS R2, its most compelling features, advanced configurations, and integration with Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1. Real life examples of how other companies have benefited from OCS R2 are also featured.
Learn how the IBM collaboration software portfolio is being transformed with Web 2.0, social networking and unified communications capabilities.
This paper details Office Communicator 2007 R2, an application that provides an immediate, visual representation of a person's availability across your network. Communicate with greater flexibility, streamline communications from the applications you use most, and work from anywhere with the Office Communicator 2007 R2.
Meeting regulatory requirements means that administrators must carve out a sound email-archiving policy; making the wrong move can be costly. In this issue, you'll learn what to do and what not to do when planning your email-archiving strategy.
This presentation transcript explains the new features and functionality in the Office Communications Server 2007 R2, the application that continues to deliver on the Microsoft promise to streamline communications for users, give IT organizations the flexibility and control they need, and provide an extensible communications platform.
As revenues from traditional telecom services decline, the continual erosion of technology barriers to adjacent industries offers the prospect of new markets for telecom providers.