Business Modeling Reports

How do Iconic Business Models such as Airbnb Emerge?
sponsored by TechTarget
RESEARCH CONTENT: Brands such as Airbnb disrupt industries and change how consumers think about the market, according to this research from Cass Business School, City University London.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 16 Mar 2016


Audit Your Demand Generation Success: Part 3
sponsored by TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: Download this demand generation guide to understand the 4 stages of demand generation and the KPIs that go with them.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 25 Nov 2019


Business-Model-Driven Data Warehousing: Keeping Data Warehouses Connected to Your Business
sponsored by Kalido
WHITE PAPER: This paper analyzes the issues of conventional data warehouse design process and explains how this practice can be improved using a business-model-driven process in support of effective Business Intelligence.
Posted: 04 Jun 2008 | Published: 01 Jun 2008


Seizing the Advantage: When and how to innovate your business model
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Read this executive report for invaluable insights from IBM® on when and how to innovate your business model—and seize the advantage. 
Posted: 26 Aug 2010 | Published: 22 Jun 2009


10 Requirements of a Global HR System
sponsored by Oracle Corporation UK Ltd
WHITE PAPER: This white paper looks at what is driving the globalization trend. Also listed are ten requirements every Chief People Officer should expect from a global HR system. Get insights into two of Constellation's primary business research themes, Technology Optimization and Innovation and the Future of Work.
Posted: 15 Dec 2014 | Published: 07 May 2014

Oracle Corporation UK Ltd

The Power of Many: ABC's of Collaborative Innovation throughout Extended Enterprise
sponsored by IBM Line of Business
WHITE PAPER: The IBM Global CEO Study 2006 found that, to drive innovation, many top CEOs are collaborating beyond their organizations - with their extended networks of suppliers, customers, business partners and others
Posted: 29 Nov 2007 | Published: 01 Apr 2007

IBM Line of Business

Best Practices White Paper: Implementing Process Modeling from Scratch - Untying the Gordian Knot
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WHITE PAPER: The complexity of operational processes can be a significant obstacle to any effort for improvement through modeling and analysis. Access this white paper for 3 principles that can be used to simplify management strategies and arrive at models that will provide you with a better understanding of your business.
Posted: 09 May 2011 | Published: 09 May 2011

EMC Corporation

Driving Operational Innovation with Lean Six Sigma
sponsored by IBM Line of Business
WHITE PAPER: Learn how industry leaders such as the companies profiled in this study are using Lean Six Sigma approaches to enable significant innovation opportunities that have far-reaching impacts on their businesses.
Posted: 29 Nov 2007 | Published: 01 Jan 2007

IBM Line of Business

Presentation Transcript: Demystifying the path to a JBoss Intelligent, Integrated Enterprise
sponsored by Red Hat
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: Review this presentation transcript to learn how to eliminate siloed information, automate business processes and improve decision making with a service-oriented architecture (SOA), enhanced data services, and a business rules management system (BRMS).
Posted: 04 Feb 2013 | Published: 04 Feb 2013

Red Hat

SAP CRM Rapid Deployment Solution
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
RESOURCE CENTER: See how the SAP CRM Rapid Deployment Solution – helps organizations to get essential CRM capabilities, quickly at an affordable price and provides customers options to grow as their businesses grow
Posted: 23 Mar 2011 | Published: 23 Mar 2011

SAP America, Inc.