DBAs are tasked with the monumental job of providing an accurate audit trail of SQL Server activities and auditing sensitive data. SQL compliance manager goes beyond traditional approaches with its real-time monitoring and auditing of all data access, updates, data structure modifications and changes to security permissions. Take a test drive now.
This training course was designed for professional developers interested in using Microsoft SharePoint 2010 to rapidly develop and deploy solutions. The course contains a series of videos and presentations that will help guide you along the way.
This one-stop-shop for CIOs discusses the 3 most important trends companies can capitalize on to help future success. Access this webinar now for an in-depth look into essential topics.
Overcome the classic disconnect between business and IT. This video explains how to unite business and IT leaders in collaborative discussions about how information fuels business success. Together build a roadmap for the future and the journey starts with this video.
This videocast exemplifies a unified communications system that enables companies to experience real-time business communications solutions that allow them to collaborate in any mode they want—voice, video, email, or IM—on virtually any device they want.
This exclusive webcast examines how to enable better collaboration across mobile platforms in order to foster innovation and increase both productivity and overall efficiency.
HP Enterprise Mobility Services can help you build mobile applications that enable you to convert customer interactions into revenue opportunities. Click on the link below to learn more and one of our mobility experts will be in touch shortly to discuss a face to face demo. To reach out to HP directly, please email us at
Download your free trial of IBM Rational Quality Manager V2, a collaborative, Web-based, quality management solution that offers comprehensive test planning and test asset management from requirements to defects.
Having trouble with storage latency issues? SolarWinds® Storage Response Time Monitor free tool tracks those sluggish VMs, shows the top host to datastore total response times and a count of additional high latency offenders.