Web Application Software Reports

Web 2.0 at Work: Departmental Use Cases
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: With the introduction of Web 2.0 technologies into your enterprise, you can greatly increase the value of your company's most important assets. Leading companies are harnessing Web 2.0 technologies and applying them to build their next-generation workplaces.
Posted: 03 Apr 2009 | Published: 01 Aug 2008

Oracle Corporation

ActiveGrid Enterprise Web 2.0 Version 2.0
sponsored by ActiveGrid, Inc.
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Discover how to build Web 2.0 applications quickly and easily. This download comes with everything you need to start creating service-oriented applications: built-in Web server, database, sample applications and a step-by-step tutorial.
Posted: 01 Nov 2006 | Premiered: 03 Aug 2006

ActiveGrid, Inc.

Presentation Transcript: Platform-as-a-Service Changes Everything, Again! Visual PaaS is Here!
sponsored by TechTarget Data Center
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: Sophisticated Visual PaaS offerings provide a unified environment that empowers both "hard-core programmers" as well as “citizen developers” to develop business applications. CIOs are seeing PaaS as a viable option to embrace "citizen developers" and make the transition from Information Technology to Business Technology.
Posted: 21 Sep 2011 | Published: 21 Sep 2011

TechTarget Data Center

IBM Mashup Center
sponsored by IBM
TRIAL SOFTWARE: IBM Mashup Center is an enterprise mashup platform enabling the rapid creation of reusable application building blocks (widgets, feeds, mashups) that can be easily assembled into new applications or leveraged within existing applications— with the governance and security IT requires—  to address daily business challenges.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 | Premiered: 19 Dec 2011


Legacy IT Systems: Keep 'Em or Cut 'Em?
sponsored by TechTarget CIO
EZINE: How do you calculate the expiration date on your legacy IT systems? We explore the keep-vs.-cut dilemma in this issue of CIO Decisions.
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 | Published: 24 Feb 2015

TechTarget CIO

10 Ways You Can Improve Web App Performance
sponsored by SOASTA, Inc
WHITE PAPER: This resource counts down 10 issues that development and testing teams should consider in order to derive maximum performance from their Web applications.
Posted: 06 Jan 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2013


Integrating Java EE applications and C-based implementations in WebSphere Application Server
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper offers key tips on how to successfully integrate Java-based applications deployed on WebSphere Application Server with C-based implementations by leveraging Java Native Interfaces (JNI). Discover the benefits of this platform and how it can simplify the process of creating, configuring and invoking shared libraries.
Posted: 25 Apr 2012 | Published: 14 Mar 2012


Become a Java developer
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Access this resource to learn helpful tips on how to develop and program Java so you can bring its advanced capabilities to your organization. Review best practices on how to tackle various components of the platform and uncover the skills you need to become an expert Java developer.
Posted: 02 May 2012 | Published: 03 Jan 2012


Introduction to crystalreports.com
sponsored by Business Objects
WEBCAST: Sharing reports over the Web is convenient and efficient, yet if it is not done securely, the information can be easily compromised. Attend this Webcast to learn how your business can instantly and securely deliver reports to improve productivity and ...
Posted: 16 May 2007 | Premiered: Apr 25, 2007

Business Objects

Limelight OrchestrateTM Performance - Technical Specifications
sponsored by Limelight Networks, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: The following white paper details exactly how to ensure that the delivery of your websites and web-based applications is fast, agile, and optimized.
Posted: 06 Nov 2013 | Published: 06 Nov 2013

Limelight Networks, Inc.