Technical Documentation Reports

Invoice Automation and Document Management Tips
sponsored by Esker Inc.
WHITE PAPER: In this E-Guide, discover how asking three simple questions about organizational needs can help businesses map out an effective document management and imaging process. In addition, find out how Oracle and SAP procurement shops can improve their accounts payable functionality through invoice automation.
Posted: 23 Jan 2015 | Published: 23 Jan 2015

Esker Inc.

A true story about using XML forms and DB2 to process millions of tax returns
sponsored by IBM
INFORMATION CENTER: This blog post discusses the toll that managing high volumes of paper documents can take on business budgets and efficiency. Learn about an electronic approach that one company implemented and the savings they achieved.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 | Published: 07 Jun 2011


Rapid Architectural Consolidation Engine - The Enterprise Solution for Disparate Data Models
sponsored by Innovative Routines International, Inc.
BROCHURE: RapidACE is a software platform that enables data architects to integrate disparate data models automatically. It delivers high speed, automated data model consolidation.
Posted: 29 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 Feb 2008

Innovative Routines International, Inc.

Ensuring Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Security Within U.S. Government Agencies
sponsored by Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) and remaining in compliance with government regulations is a difficult challenge made easier with database tools from Embarcadero Technologies.
Posted: 27 Mar 2009 | Published: 27 Mar 2009

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

15 Minute Guide To Case Management
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WHITE PAPER: In 15 minutes we'll discuss case management, explain why it's important, suggest how it enables connected government, touch on how it can be applied across a variety of case types, discuss the components of a case management solution, and offer deployment guides and suggestions.
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 | Published: 23 Nov 2009

EMC Corporation

Enterprise Engineer 3.5
sponsored by McLaren Software
PRODUCT LITERATURE: McLaren's Enterprise Engineer application suite assures the integrity of your asset documentation, providing a single point of control to manage the lifecycle of asset related content.
Posted: 01 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2008

McLaren Software

Assuring Asset Documentation Integrity
sponsored by McLaren Software
WHITE PAPER: In this whitepaper, we will discuss best practices for assuring the integrity of your asset documentation.
Posted: 01 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 Jul 2007

McLaren Software

Best Practices for a Successful Upgrade Project
sponsored by HCL Software
WHITE PAPER: Upgrades help businesses to maintain a competitive edge in the market. Yet, upgrades pose their own set of challenges. This white paper lists the best practices that should be followed when upgrading to achieve maximum reliability.
Posted: 10 Jul 2008 | Published: 16 May 2008

HCL Software

10 Obvious Statements about Software Configuration and Change Management (And What They Mean For Your Organization)
sponsored by Remain Software
WHITE PAPER: This document will explore 10 important aspects that should be considered before proceeding with the implementation of a specific solution.
Posted: 07 Jun 2013 | Published: 16 Apr 2009

Remain Software

MSP Documentation: Why it's Essential to Scaling Your Business
sponsored by SolarWinds, Inc.
EGUIDE: One of the most important moves an MSP can make as they grow is to document what they've changed. Use this expert guide to help understand how you should start, what information to keep, and which tools can help execute this documentation.
Posted: 26 Jul 2017 | Published: 20 Jul 2017

TOPICS:  Documentation
SolarWinds, Inc.