In this brochure, you’ll read about the advantages of IBM® BladeCenter®, including its flexible architecture, easy deployment and energy-efficient features.
In this issue of CW Europe, we look at analysis by a Dutch newspaper which discovered that government-controlled IT projects in the Netherlands go over budget by 40%, on average. We also find out how Berlin's Digital Career Institute is building web skills among refugees and the unemployed across Germany.
In this e-guide, we take a look at how and why enterprises are tapping into containers to bolster the business agility of their IT infrastructure and application estates, and some of the latest thinking about how best to utilise container technologies.
In this week's Computer Weekly, security researchers say that people left unemployed by the pandemic are turning to cyber crime – we find out why. We examine the confluence of distributed cloud and edge computing technologies. And controversial uses of facial recognition technology come under further scrutiny. Read the issue now.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how the UK's power networks need to be digital transformed to be ready for renewable energy – and the role of open source. Wi-Fi 6 was meant to give a boost to wireless connectivity – we examine why adoption has stalled. And we look at what a quantum datacentre might be like. Read the issue now.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at Shell's digital twin strategy, which combines AI, internet of things and big data to improve safety and cut costs. Our latest buyer's guide examines the best practices and technologies in business process automation. And we find out why securing DNS is critical to fighting cyber crime. Read the issue now.
We search back through the Computer Weekly archives held at The National Museum of Computing to present what was happening in IT over the past five decades.
In this week's Computer Weekly, the BBC faces in-depth scrutiny over its digital plans – we take a look at progress. Do you need to keep data forever? We examine the technologies behind infinite storage. And we find out about the digital transformation challenges in vehicle dealerships. Read the issue now.
In these uncertain times, making solid predictions for the year ahead looks like a definition of a mug's game. While this has been the fuel for the fire for the boom in applications such as video conferencing as used to support remote working, the same really can be said for the internet of things (IoT).
In this week's Computer Weekly, we examine the latest developments in the UK government's National Data Strategy and what it means for the economy. Our latest buyer's guide explains the emerging technologies around computational storage. And we look at the advances in customer experience management during the pandemic. Read the issue now.