This paper details a recent survey of North American households currently subscribed to broadband internet access. Read this paper to better understand attitudes and behaviors that will drive the adoption of next-gen broadband applications and serv...
While controlling CAPEX costs remains an important issue for mobile operators, OPEX costs have become a more significant part of operators' cost structure. This paper will examine how the operations and maintenance strategies for LTE infrastructure management must be changed in order to meet the OPEX expectations of LTE operators.
A survey shows that people in the United Arab Emirates believe next-generation technologies such as 3D printing and artificial intelligence will become widespread in the country. Also read how the UAE has improved its security posture amid mounting cyber threats.
Download this sample chapter from ITF+ CompTIA IT Fundamentals to learn how to approach IT problems using a standard troubleshooting method, how to troubleshoot common computer problems and more.
In this infographic, we take a look at what IT departments are investing in, how IT departments will evolve over the next 12 months and which sectors will see the biggest budget increases. Survey results taken from the 2019 IT Priorities survey carried out by ComputerWeekly.com, ComputerWeekly.de and LeMagIT.fr.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to the Chancellor of the Exchequer about his plans to support innovation and growth in the UK tech sector. Composable IT is the latest trend in building software to support business change. And Halfords built its own service management software – and now is selling it to other retailers. Read the issue now.
Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam is one of Europe’s main access points, so you might be surprised to read that IT systems such as those controlling the Dutch borders are rarely tested. In this issue, read about a critical report from the Dutch Court of Audit.
What more does a region need to be recognised as a technology leader than its very own valley, of the silicon variety? Where once only oil flowed down Saudi Arabia's economic valleys, tech has now taken a grip. Read in this issue about the country's ambitions in the tech sector.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to Disney Advertising Sales about how it is using data to subserve story-telling excellence. We delve into how rising energy costs negatively impacted the the UK arm of Sungard Availability Services. And we look at the role of infrastructure as code in edge datacentres. Read the issue now.
The Covid-19 pandemic is turning out to be a big fork in the road for many companies. But what about the industry that keeps the lights on for them?