In this week's Computer Weekly, find out how the Met Office takes 2TB of weather data every hour and turns it into useful business insight. We examine whether Amazon's presence in the retail market is putting off other retailers from using its public cloud services. And we look at the new 802.11ax wireless networking standard. Read the issue now.
How can you balance the nuanced IT requirements within your nonprofit while delivering exceptional experiences for customers and employees? Access this e-book to examine the key areas in which ServiceNow supports the organizational and digital transformation goals of nonprofits.
Assembling the right team for a digital transformation project is critical. Transformation is a team sport - it requires experience, knowledge and the ability to influence and work with others. In this infographic, we help you figure out who needs to be on your digital transformation team and what are the key skills for each team member.
In this guide, we break down data discovery software by defining the categories, explaining the features and revealing the benefits. We also highlight the major players and products in an effort to inform buying decisions.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to retailer Sainsbury's about its data science strategy and how it helps the firm better understand customers. We take a detailed look at the evolution of the business intelligence market. And we find out how simulated disaster management can tackle the security skills gap. Read the issue now.