The dread of any IT manager is in making a significant purchase of hardware or software to then find that they are 'locked in' to one supplier. But analyst Clive Longbottom asks, is this still the case?
In these uncertain times, making solid predictions for the year ahead looks like a definition of a mug's game. While this has been the fuel for the fire for the boom in applications such as video conferencing as used to support remote working, the same really can be said for the internet of things (IoT).
In this week's Computer Weekly, we examine the implications of the controversial acquisition of UK chip leader Arm by US rival Nvidia. Black Lives Matter has raised awareness of social inequalities, but is the tech sector becoming more diverse? And we ask if business software can learn from the addictive nature of social apps. Read the issue now.
This year, a survey was conducted quizzing nearly 500 European IT sector professionals to gather what topics they identified as being imperative for 2021. In this infographic see whether remote working is here to stay, if there will be shifts in information management trends and what infrastructure tools will be deployed by most in 2021.
Despite challenges, those in ASEAN have taken things in stride as they press on with digital transformation, whether it is empowering citizen developers or building cloud-native applications. Here are Computer Weekly's top 10 ASEAN IT stories of 2022.
In this case study Calit2 and Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA) develop a cost-effective, high-performance environment where researchers have unlimited access to the existing genomics data.
Learn how uptime software has improved customer service through virtualization. uptime is now able to rapidly deploy virtual machines to replicate customer environments and close support requests quickly.
This white paper explains the features and benefits of such a unified approach to enterprise records management, and describes how the EMC Documentum/OmniRIM solution works.
Researchers found that by creating a dynamic IT environment- standardized, centralized, automated, and mobile-California can achieve a greener, more secure computing complex that improves productivity, delivering greater efficiency at a lower cost to taxpayers and the environment.