This Computer Weekly buyer's guide looks at how to take an Agile approach to mobile app development. Discover how to gain a competitive edge by accelerating mobile development, turning mobile users' expectations to your advantage, and building unique, differentiated mobile experiences.
In this e-guide, read more about the state of DevOps adoption across Southeast Asia, the importance of integrating security into DevOps processes and our top tips for securing management buy-in.
This white paper details the importance of collaborative management of
software development and testing processes in order to achieve an integrated
view of distributed development while meeting internal and external compliance requirements.
Learn how enterprise software platforms for CRM and other applications remove much of the complexity of software development, operation and maintenance -- enabling you to extend on-demand success across your entire enterprise.
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This white paper discusses how static source code analysis can be used to find critical defects and security vulnerabilities in C/C++ and Java source code.
This ezine covers the topic of testing and retesting defects and cites the Blackberry blackouts of 2007 and 2008 as examples of issues that could have been detected by regressing testing.
This IT download provides software known as Atlassian Bamboo which utilizes continuous integration to automate the process of building, integrating and testing software code, providing managers with greater insight into the development process.