This white paper explains the differences between the VPN technologies and provides criteria for deciding whether you should replace your IPSec VPN with SSL VPN. It also presents a step-by-step, practical approach to implementing your replacement.
This white paper outlines the two primary methods of deploying remote access VPNs: IPsec and SSL. Read how to choose the right VPN technology for your organization, understand security considerations, and how to secure your remote-access VPN.
In this case study DePaul University implemented SonicWALL Aventail E-Class SSL VPN solution so that the University's administrators, staff and more than 23,000 students can now securely and remotely access internal or external applications and files.
Learn how to select the right application delivery infrastructure to provide secure remote access. Discover the 7 key requirements for remote access and the right questions to ask vendors during the selection process.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to Aston Martin's CIO to find out how tech is helping tackle the challenges facing the automotive sector. The new National Cyber Security boss explains the need to be vigilant against growing online threats. We also examine the future of secure remote connectivity in the cloud era. Read the issue now.
A discussion about strategies for Windows 10 really boils down to the organisation's desktop IT strategy. Windows PCs account for the bulk of the personal computing market and the Windows client remains the dominant target platform for developers of client-side applications. In this e-guide, we look at the evolution of desktop IT.
Despite gloomy economic conditions worldwide, IT leaders in EMEA expect budgets to increase this year, according to TechTarget/Computer Weekly's IT Priorities survey. We also look at how health authorities in the UAE are modernising healthcare services, how Finland and Estonia are sharing expertise, and how the Dutch government is addressing bias.
How can you balance the nuanced IT requirements within your nonprofit while delivering exceptional experiences for customers and employees? Access this e-book to examine the key areas in which ServiceNow supports the organizational and digital transformation goals of nonprofits.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out about the digital transformation at Guinness World Records – dedication, that's what you need. We examine the new space race – to launch low-orbit, low-cost communications satellites. And we look at the role of technology in sustainability strategies. Read the issue now.
A survey shows that people in the United Arab Emirates believe next-generation technologies such as 3D printing and artificial intelligence will become widespread in the country. Also read how the UAE has improved its security posture amid mounting cyber threats.