Computer Weekly's CW500 Club heard from IT leaders plotting a roadmap to software-defined everything – this presentation was given by Rob White, executive director of the global database group at Morgan Stanley.
In this week's Computer Weekly, the BBC faces in-depth scrutiny over its digital plans – we take a look at progress. Do you need to keep data forever? We examine the technologies behind infinite storage. And we find out about the digital transformation challenges in vehicle dealerships. Read the issue now.
This guide offers a comprehensive survey of the hybrid flash storage market. We give the lowdown on hybrid flash products from the big six storage vendors and the startups and specialists. Plus, we take a look at what's best for virtual desktops: All-flash or hybrid?
In this guide we look at the architectural issues blocking agreement on NVMe, the fundamentals that underlie NVMe and its blistering performance, the key NVMe product deployments available, and ask what will become of the storage features associated with the storage controller.
In this week's Computer Weekly, security researchers say that people left unemployed by the pandemic are turning to cyber crime – we find out why. We examine the confluence of distributed cloud and edge computing technologies. And controversial uses of facial recognition technology come under further scrutiny. Read the issue now.
In this week's Computer Weekly, the chair of the new UK Cyber Security Council tells us how she plans to fundamentally reimagine what working in IT security means. Our latest buyer's guide examines ERP modernisation and its role in digital transformation. And we take an in-depth look at the first preview version of Windows 11. Read the issue now.
In this e-guide, we take a look at how and why enterprises are tapping into containers to bolster the business agility of their IT infrastructure and application estates, and some of the latest thinking about how best to utilise container technologies.
The internet of things is being used to improve storage options. In this 13-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how the IoT could increase volumes of data, the challenges it may bring, and the role edge processing, analytics and the cloud has to play in increasing profits
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to Rolls-Royce about using AI, sensors and data analytics to build intelligent aircraft engines. Our latest buyer's guide examines the next generation of desktop IT. And we ask whether a court ruling in Chile could lead to a worldwide change in Oracle's software licensing practices. Read the issue now.
Storage vendors are now inserting intelligent algorithms into the storage layer directly to produce near real-time feedback to the business. To that end, there are a few trends converging on storage that are enabling this evolution. Read this e-guide to view the 5 trends evolving intelligent storage and AI.