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Measuring Software Quality: Why Your Metrics Don't Make the Grade
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: What keeps your customers happy when it comes to software? Tune into this video to learn more about what you can do to improve your software  testing and quality assurance. It outlines the pros and cons of satisfied customers and what the means for your business. View this resource now to learn more about improving your software.
Posted: 23 Apr 2013 | Premiered: Apr 23, 2013


7 Habits of Highly Effective Teams
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Consult this informative video to learn more about the widespread adoption of "going agile." Find out how you can obtain shorter release cycles, greater flexibility and tighter alignment by going agile. It explores the broad technical, organizational and process changes that can help your team transition to an agile environment.
Posted: 22 Apr 2013 | Premiered: Apr 22, 2013


SAN Monitor for EMC
sponsored by SolarWinds, Inc.
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: SolarWinds® SAN Monitor for EMC® is a free desktop tool that gives you the visibility into your physical storage to make sure it's in good health and lets you quickly and easily monitor EMC CLARiiON® arrays with at-a-glance insight into storage.
Posted: 03 Aug 2012 | Premiered: 03 Aug 2012

SolarWinds, Inc.

Are you Agile Enough?
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: If you are using Open Source, doing Agile but not able to consistently meet project goals, and aren't sure what tools you need -- check out how Rational Team Concert can help. See how Rational Team Concert automates core Agile practices -- like consistent team collaboration, rapid response to change, and frequent delivery of [...]
Posted: 09 Sep 2009 | Premiered: Sep 9, 2009


Beyond the Scrum Team: Delivering "Done" at Scale
sponsored by Tasktop
WEBCAST: Watch this webcast to find out how you can derive more value from your scrum teams. Find out how to identify, anticipate, and mitigate the challenges to scaling agile development. Plus, learn how to incorporate scrum into the full product lifecycle, from development to operations and insight.
Posted: 27 Jul 2016 | Premiered: Jul 26, 2016


Storage Response Time Monitor
sponsored by SolarWinds, Inc.
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: Having trouble with storage latency issues? SolarWinds® Storage Response Time Monitor free tool tracks those sluggish VMs, shows the top host to datastore total response times and a count of additional high latency offenders.
Posted: 03 Aug 2012 | Premiered: 03 Aug 2012

SolarWinds, Inc.

Rational Requirements Composer
sponsored by IBM
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Download a free trial of IBM Rational Requirements Composer V1.0.0.1, a requirements definition tool for organizations seeking easy to use elicitation and definition tools that enhance their ability to create the right requirements for their projects and drive improved quality, speed, and alignment across the IT lifecycle.
Posted: 11 Sep 2009 | Premiered: 11 Sep 2009


SQL Safe Backup: Automate Backups Safely, and Faster
sponsored by Idera
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: Eliminate application downtime, automate SQL Server backup, and speed up processes. Learn about the key features of SQL Safe Backup and gain full access to a 14 day free trial.
Posted: 22 Jul 2014 | Premiered: 22 Jul 2014


SQL Compliance Manager: Go beyond traditional auditing approaches with real-time monitoring
sponsored by Idera
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: DBAs are tasked with the monumental job of providing an accurate audit trail of SQL Server activities and auditing sensitive data. SQL compliance manager goes beyond traditional approaches with its real-time monitoring and auditing of all data access, updates, data structure modifications and changes to security permissions. Take a test drive now.
Posted: 22 Jul 2014 | Premiered: 22 Jul 2014


Leveraging Virtual Iron and Quad-Core Intel® Based Server Virtualization in Production Environments
sponsored by Virtual Iron Software, Inc.
WEBCAST: This webcast, featuring Intel and Virtual Iron, explores the key drivers and enabling technologies behind server virtualization. Best practices for supporting virtualized workloads in production environments will also be discussed.
Posted: 10 Mar 2008 | Premiered: Mar 1, 2008

Virtual Iron Software, Inc.