Search Results for: sarbanes-oxley

Revamping and optimizing your SAP GRC strategy
GRC is by now a well-known concept but processes for keeping track of it are still in the nascent stages at some companies, with many companies still using Excel or SharePoint for reporting purposes. Get advice on how to get started with GRC software within the SAP landscape, and how to use the software to achieve a successful compliance strategy.

Security Weaver

5 Backup Features to Help You Demonstrate Compliance
In this brief resource, you will discover how a storage backup manager eliminates the complexity and manual labor associated with SOX auditing by automatically collecting backup data in real time and storing it in a central web-based repository where administrators and auditors can access, analyze and record the information.


E-Book: Compliance in the EU, U.S.A.-- Learn What U.S. Companies Need to Know About European Union Compliance and Vice Versa
Read this e-book to learn about compliance differences in the U.S.A. and the EU, and differences between global business continuity standards.

TechTarget Security

Presentation Transcript: Layering Enterprise Security with Next Generation Access Management
Read this paper to learn more about the current state of security and identity management. The presenters discuss solutions related to enterprise security issues and the benefits of Oracle products.

Oracle Corporation

Improving regulatory compliance management through log analysis, SIM
This E-Guide highlights the importance of log analysis and security information and event management (SIEM) in improving regulatory compliance management.

HP Enterprise Security

eBook: Understanding GRC(Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance): Frameworks, Tools and Strategies
Check out this expert eBook to learn about the benefits of implementing a GRC program and get best practices for integrating these strategies into your company's infrastructure. This eBook is sponsored by Application Security, Inc, Beyond Trust, Lumension Security, MessageLabs, Thawte, Varonis and Websense.

TechTarget Security

e-Book: Chapter 6 - Ten Hidden E-Discovery Hazards
This paper explains Ten hidden e-discovery hazards reviewing everything from databases and storage to instant messages and smartphones which can help ward off e-discovery surprises.

Symantec Corporation

Case Study: WebEx - Securing Web Collaboration
Read this case study to learn about the vulnerability and compliance risk management program WebEx has implemented to ensure security and confidentiality among their customers.


Realizing Business Value in Managed File Transfer
Managed File Transfer (MFT) is optimized for moving data; often bulk data, in a secure way that additionally involves the ability to manage data.


eBook: Compliance 2.0: Comprehensive, Scalable and Sustainable Systems
This expert e-book will help you prioritize compliance investments to reduce costs. Explore how companies are building a holistic approach to compliance, what strategies work and what technologies and practices you can leverage.

TechTarget Security