In this guide, you can find best practice, analysis of the latest trends, and expert advice on formulating enterprise strategy in laptops, desktop PCs and mobile devices.
This exclusive white paper examines five easy steps that your organization can take to adopt a secure and effective enterprise app store that will help you empower your workers and reap the benefits of enterprise mobility.
This e-guide details how Electronic Arts Inc. learned from their failed efforts and constructed a successful strategy for deploying cloud infrastructure for mobile apps. Additionally, learn from Red Hat CTO, Mícheál Ó Foghlú on how Node.js went exponential and how it's contributing to a new "mindset" when it comes to enterprise mobility.
This exclusive resource discusses a mobile content enablement solution that allows your business to organize and securely distribute content to any mobile device with all the productivity tools mobile users need to interact with content and share.
This handbook explores the positive aspects of devices in the enterprise and also presents the challenges of managing more endpoints, facing security risks and enforcing usage policies – and how to overcome them.
Learn how to recognize and prevent mobile security threats for application development and deployment, all while discovering how to not fall victim to the 2 most common mobility challenges.
More end-user monitoring tools are relying on machine learning and analytics to help IT get more granular information about the end-user computing experience.
This exclusive paper discusses the importance of file sync technology in the mobile era, examining how your organization can significantly increase collaboration, communications, and productivity.
Most employees want a tablet system that can combine their personal assets with business applications and files. This video gives you an in-depth look at a unified workspace for your tablet. See how a leading vendor can help to allow your tablet to make it accesible for both personal assets and business applications in a securely fashion.