This whitepaper describes an off-site data protection service that can keep electronic media secure while providing efficient retrieval with the help of high-specification service elements for magnetic, optical and solid-state media.
In this week's Computer Weekly, the BBC faces in-depth scrutiny over its digital plans – we take a look at progress. Do you need to keep data forever? We examine the technologies behind infinite storage. And we find out about the digital transformation challenges in vehicle dealerships. Read the issue now.
The dread of any IT manager is in making a significant purchase of hardware or software to then find that they are 'locked in' to one supplier. But analyst Clive Longbottom asks, is this still the case?
The National Museum of Computing has trawled the Computer Weekly archives for another selection of articles highlighting significant articles published in the month of June over the past few decades.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we reveal a £64m cost over-run for the Metropolitan Police's new record management system. Our latest buyer's guide looks at the issues around integrating SaaS applications. And a leading flash storage firm says the age of spinning disk drives is almost over – are they right? Read the issue now.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we're used to James Bond and his gadgets, but now MI6 is investing in tech startups to develop new intelligence capabilities. Our exclusive IT Priorities survey suggests IT leaders are optimistic about 2022. And our new buyer's guide examines the latest emerging technologies. Read the issue now.
Computer Weekly's CW500 Club heard from IT leaders plotting a roadmap to software-defined everything – this presentation was given by Rob White, executive director of the global database group at Morgan Stanley.
In this handbook, focused on storage in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at how container applications can make companies more agile, the cost benefits of data storage and the most common data storage myths that need to be debunked.
In these uncertain times, making solid predictions for the year ahead looks like a definition of a mug's game. While this has been the fuel for the fire for the boom in applications such as video conferencing as used to support remote working, the same really can be said for the internet of things (IoT).
In this e-guide, we take a look at how and why enterprises are tapping into containers to bolster the business agility of their IT infrastructure and application estates, and some of the latest thinking about how best to utilise container technologies.