Setting up a video conference room in your office is about a little more than plugging in a camera and a screen. Download this expert guide for tips to design a video conference room, such as why you should say no to webcams.
Customer engagement, conversion and acquisition are important to the success of your company. Unfortunately, people don't always have the time to read everything you write. How can you remedy this? Learn how video can drive engagement to your business by reading this resource now.
The cloud is growing as a choice for government at all levels and globally. Why? Two big reasons: budget cuts and a need to streamline operations to provide more innovative, efficient services to a demanding, increasingly tech-savvy public.
As the world becomes increasingly security conscious, municipalities, institutions and enterprises of all sizes are discovering that there's safety in sight. Real-time video surveillance systems are proving to be one of the most effective methods of addressing a wide range of security challenges in both the public and the private sectors.
Switched Digital Video (SDV) offers tremendous promise for network operators seeking to more efficiently use bandwidth and deliver highly targeted content to subscribers.
This whitepaper discusses what can be the weakest link in many video applications cabling infrastructure. Learn how media conversion can be an economical and effective means to convert to the cabling medium of your choice.